Rad Indoor - Dec 2-4

Anything and everything about the Utah BMX scene.

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Rad Indoor - Dec 2-4

Postby FLYNHIGH » Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:14 pm

So what can we look forward to for this great weekend of racing? What will the track be like? I hope (again) the rythmn is awesome, maybe something you could triple in it? Perhaps the second corner could be a little taller or steeper so you can keep your speed.

Look forward to seeing eveyrone there!

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Postby Punk-Biker940 » Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:27 pm

I think you guys should build the rythm like the outdoor was, except like make it a double instead of a table in the middle, and make it a table instead of a double at the beginning, and a step down at the end! that would be cool

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