Salina Indoor 11-13 Nov...Need a ride or carpool

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Salina Indoor 11-13 Nov...Need a ride or carpool

Postby Lee_Geddings » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:39 am

Hello Utah BMXers,

I was wondering if anybody has room for 1 person & 1 cruiser that would like some gas money for a ride to the Salina indoor on 11-13 Nov or if there are 2-3 others that would like to carpool down in my gas guzzling truck? :roll: I will make my own room reservations or I'm willing to share a room and split the cost if somebody is looking to save some cash. Please let me know so I can make plans.


Lee Geddings
Team Manager
(801) 510-5333

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Re: Salina Indoor 11-13 Nov...Need a ride or carpool

Postby sixstringsteve » Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:08 am

I was thinking of heading down for Saturday. If you can't find a ride for fri-sun, you're welcome to ride with me.

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