Wanted: A class to race!

Anything and everything about the Utah BMX scene.

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Wanted: A class to race!

Postby JasonStout » Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:06 pm

This is your official call out!

Steve Spencer, Jason Halverson, Bryan Oblad, Bruce Ritter, Jason Melton, Mike Oblad, Ryan what's your name, and the rest of you 26-30 Cruisers, and the 28+ Experts....come race ya'll- It's free!

It's the end of the year. The outdoor season is ending soon. Come out and play before it gets cold and snowy- remember all those times in the winter when you wished it was bike season- well, Carpe Diem!

This is an official invite to everyone to come out to the races Thursday and the few Saturdays left in October!

See you there!

Who's gonna be there? Who's not gonna be there and why?

Roll call!

"JS"- "here!"

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I know this belongs in race reports... but...

Postby JasonStout » Sat Oct 01, 2005 11:02 pm

So thanks for the fun racing! I was outta gas all night! I took last and last! That's a first! I had a blast racing Brandon Smith. It's been a couple of years. I'll be 31 this month, so I'll finally be in the protected class! Class racing was a blast. I had the chance to race some young and fast guys. DP, Joe W., and the likes.

Has anyone heard how Mike Oblad is doing? He went down hard in the first cruiser moto. His fork was shreaded and his knee was hurting- the last I heard. Get well soon Mike!

What a fun night- thanks to all who made it possible!


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