Vernals weekend was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Location: Vernal, Utah

Vernals weekend was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby flutterbytd » Wed May 11, 2005 2:14 pm

:roll: :lol:
Hey everyone, we held a clinic over the weekend, given by MIKE from Static & DOPE. It was great !!!!!!!!!!!! The kids all had a great time, we had over 18 riders that done the clinic, and all they had to say was, IT WAS GREAT and it helped them all alot. I had several parents tell me it really gave their kids some self confidence. We held races on friday an saturday. They are our public races that we hold once or twice a month. The kids get to ride for free or a small donation to the track. But we had alot of new riders that were really stoked after taking the clinic. My personal THANKS to MIKE! We are looking forward to you visiting again. We hope more of you from Salt Lake and the surrounding areas will join us for our next ABA race the weekend after Nationals. We are really enjoying our new track in Vernal and wish you would enjoy it with us!!!!



Postby dopebmx » Wed May 11, 2005 3:02 pm

thank you for the opportunity to do the clinic. It is really enjoyable to see the kids faces at the end of the day.
I know that i may be old, out of shape,can't jump or ride rythm, don't know how to do a gate start, my number plates suck, i smell, mother wears army boots, buy my relationships with the industry,not the only bmx company to sponsor the big three organizations and do sea otter in one year,not utah downhill plate sponsor or the usa jrnationals for road biking, i did not get the fletch treatment at doucechene,did not help build the original manti track or toolle tracks,can't ride the skate park,never keep my word,only out to make a buck off the people and I RIDE FLATS, but i still remeber how it use to be and what it took to get there.
thank you

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Location: Vernal, Utah

Postby flutterbytd » Wed May 11, 2005 3:17 pm

:lol: Mike,
Just want you to know you are welcome at our track anyday & everyday if you wish. If you need us to escort you through that hole they call Duchesne, we will with bells on. Ya our track is new but we have over 65 Local ABA members, and a total of 126 registered riders that have rode our track and they think it is great. Hope we are still on for May 20, 21st and 22nd. Lets see, :? Do we do clinic all three days, or just one.
How about at least 2 :roll: Sound good to you. THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!


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Postby bnd » Wed May 11, 2005 3:41 pm

What a great story! 126 reg. riders!! Holy cow, how did you guys go about doing that? Nice job Mike helping out where you can. I'm going to make it a point to get up there sooner than later, you can count on that.

Are any Vernal locals coming down for the national?


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Vernal Riders are Stoked!!!!!!!!!!

Postby flutterbytd » Wed May 11, 2005 4:09 pm

:lol: :D :) :lol:
Just to let everyone know, if I had a bus, and a trailer. We would ALL be at Nationals. There are so many of our riders that want to go to Nationals that don't have a ride, that I could fill a bus. I do know that there will be quite a few of our riders there. And I hope I can be there to. Hope you all cheer them on if I can't be there to do so. They are a GREAT bunch of Kids. Lets let them all know that BMX is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone, please take and send me pictures if I can't make it okay!
I wish you all the best of luck at nationals and hope to see you at our track soon.

P.S. Yes we have 126 reg. riders. And hope to have 100 more.

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