"I've payed my money to race- is that enough?"

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"I've payed my money to race- is that enough?"

Postby JasonStout » Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:22 pm

So there I was...

Over the years, I've had several conversations with Utah bmx riders and family members. This topic has come up so many times.

Is it enough to just pay your entry fee, race, and be done? Or, is there an expectation to do more to help out at the tracks; volunteer, rake, shovel, pull weeds, pick up trash, recruit new riders, hand out ribbons, stage racers, hose down the corners, treat wounds, work the gate, take pictures or video, fix bikes, sell product, sing the national anthem, and help out others in any way possible.......?

In my opinion- the answer is YES! AND NO!

It IS enough to get home from work, throw your bikes in the vehicle, and scurry to the track just in time for you to register your kid to race. They get a few laps in, you race and you throw the bikes back in the car and head home for a little rest before you work the rest of your life away. At least you spent some quality time with your kids having a good time. I was raised on a bmx track and the life lessons were invaluable! (this is a post for another time!-Life's lessons learned on a bmx track.)

This is the story of my Father. My parents are both hard working blue collar folks who found time out of their busy life to give me a BMX experience. That is all they had. Not much time was given to the track, or others, but we grew closer as a family and had many memories to talk about at Sunday dinner. We still throw a BMX story in around the table every now and then.

So there you have it! Stop feeling guilty about all you can't give and be glad you can participate in the Utah bmx community. Your role is important! No matter how small it may be! It's okay to sit up in the stands and watch the races without getting involved if you don't have the disposition or means to do it! BMX can be a spectator sport if you want it to be. If it helps you come back each week-then do it!

Let's go to the other end of the spectrum! The TO! TOin' is one of the most thankless jobs ever! They are usually approached when someone needs something or has a problem with someone else. They receive, with great joy a smiling face of someone who says "Bob, Darrin, Diana, Troy, Tiffany, Bev, Dave, Bridganna, Tana, and the rest of you superheroes- where do you want me to work tonight! Where can I help out!" They spend numerous hours maintaining the track, organizing stuff....and doing TO stuff! (see, I can't even speak intelligently about all they do!) They give the better half of their time doing BMX stuff for a minimal return. thank you for all you do- and best of luck- I hope this post sheds light on the many approaches to BMX racing people take.

Volunteers! Any one who has picked up a garden tool to help at a track. Anyone who has manned the finish line, the gate, registration, staging, trophies, and the many other tasks required to run a race.

I'm off to lunch, I'll finish later.....

Last edited by JasonStout on Thu Apr 07, 2005 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.


Postby Guest » Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:48 pm

Thank you Jason! Very well said!


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Postby JasonStout » Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:06 pm

where was I?...

Oh, volunteers!- If you take a birds eye view of an entire production of a bmx race you'll see a little city, a mini community. There are many players involved on this team. You see many different approaches and many different levels of involvement with the whole production. I've notice different people take different roles at different tracks. That's the way it should be. If you want a different role at a particular track- then go get it from the TO! Ask what needs to be done- or even better yet- suggest what you want to do and present your ideas of what could be done!

I'm not trying to get less effort from people saying that it's okay not to heavily participate in the race production. I'm trying to suggest that it's okay for one to give a lot, and another to give a little- as long as we give all we have! That is the deciding factor. We all come to the track with different amounts of resources of time, energy, and readiness to help. Our priorities are of course different each time.

Priorities on race night differ from person to person, and night to night. Sometimes we come to race, sometimes we are there to get everyone else racing! Sometimes we are there to help sweep the track, or instruct others how to race. Sometimes we are there to encourage our little racers, or compliment effort, or the acquisition of skills. Sometimes we are there to eat a taco salad and mutter under our breath, " I hope they hurry and get the mains over with!" Sometimes we are there to rush a loved one to ER, fix flats, make plans to drink beer, do business, or travel.
Sometimes we are not there at all!

Whatever the reasons- most of the time they are unknown to the others at the track. I believe we should not criticize any effort or action of others at the track until we really, REALLY know where they are coming from and what their circumstances are!

Thank you all for your efforts and contributions you make each time you come to the track!

I think this attitude, and perspective of racing, if it becomes contagious- will be helpful in promoting and growing the sport of bmx in our great state!

I'm sure I missed a few ideas- Tell me what ya'll think!

Jason Stout #16 UT-01

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Postby bmxmomof2racers » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:10 pm


I think everything you said in this topic is so great! I would like to use what you wrote in our local club. Would that be okay?


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Postby JasonStout » Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:03 pm

Last edited by JasonStout on Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby JasonStout » Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:04 pm

The pleasure is all mine!

The post is all yours- (just clean up the spelling and grammar for me, k? :)

Jason Stout

Who is getting this? Club?....

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Postby bmxmomof2racers » Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:32 pm


I will be giving it out to Gillette, Wyoming's Razor City BMX Club. Thank you so much for your permission to use it. I hope it helps differing opinions at our club. It really makes you stop and think before you judge! Great job! And congrats on your new sponsorship!


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