Hey Ya'll- What happened in Rock Springs?

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Hey Ya'll- What happened in Rock Springs?

Postby JasonStout » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:24 am

Let's hear how you all did n' stuff!


D Dale
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Postby D Dale » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:54 am

OK... Here goes a race report from Darla Dale....

Rock Springs had a great turn out. We had nearly 30 motos Friday night, over 40 Saturday and Sunday.

Team Challenge was alot of fun. The purse was $250 for both days.
Staats/Lizard Skins team won Saturday and Performance Bike Parts won Sunday. It was close with both Staats and PBP tying with 5 points on Sunday. It came down to rider count and PBP was the winner.

Sunday was the Redline Cup Qualifer and a bike was raffled off. The bike shops Performance and Bike n Trike donated lots of cool stuff for the raffle. Thanks for all you do.

As for racing it was as great as usual. Congrats to all who showed up. It was exciting as always.

Thanks to the wonderful people in Rock Springs for always putting on a great race. You are truly appreciated.

Well, that was the last of the indoor. Now let the outdoor begin.

See ya at the track,


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Postby D Dale » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:11 am

Opps... I forgot.

Saturday the Meltons put on a clinic. It was their biggest turn out ever. If you have never done one of their clinics you are missing out.

Thanks Ron, Nancy and Jason for your dedication.


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Heather Allred
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Postby Heather Allred » Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:38 am

What a great weekend in Rock Springs. A big congrats goes out to Bennett Newkirk on turning Expert Saturday and pulling off a second place finish racing the 6 experts Sunday.
Congrats goes out to all of the PBP riders that were able to make it up to Rock Springs to race, great job to every single one of you.
Big thanks goes out to Darla for putting all of the team sheets in, with out you it probably wouldn't have been done. :)
The team challenge was awesome, thanks to the whole Rock Springs crew for putting that together.

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Curtis Newkirk
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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:56 pm

Heather - Bennett says thanks for the congrats! (His typing is coming along so I will get him a utahbmx.com account shortly)

As a dad, I will say that he kinda surprised Jeni & I this weekend, especially yesterday. I think he surprised himself a bit too 'cause those were some fast kids he was racing! It will be a new and excellent experience for him.

A big thanks to all who were in Rock Springs for the race. The hometown crowd and all of the visitors were truly a fun bunch. Sorry we had to miss Tooele this weekend, but we will try to make it out on the 23rd. I think I may even be racing if we can allow a loose definition of 'race' :lol:

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Postby D Dale » Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:44 pm

Bennett was awesome this weekend. Saturday he had a tough class but pulled off the win to turn Expert. He raced the experts on Sunday and got a second.

We knew you could do it Bennett. Keep up the good work and keep having fun.


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Postby JasonStout » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:19 pm

Congrats! Welcome to the Expert ranks!

You know, you can never go back........!


Now encourage your dad to get on that bike and race!


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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:40 pm

LOL. I DID race on Saturday! I felt I did better than I had before, but I really gotta work on my gate. I was racing JJ and two other guys that were really good. I learned a lot trailing behind them in qualifying :wink:

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Postby JasonStout » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:54 pm


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Postby mackdaddy » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:40 pm

Well, I am really not as good as Bruce or Jason stout at writing, but I will throw out some of my ramblings.
The track was pretty cool, the usual layout and jumps, yet it was fun.
The pro section was short so all the riders could do it. There was a 7x from Colorado that was jumping it and getting over it!!!!
My dad won 41-45 cruiser on Fri night. Way to go!

The daytona first turn was the best we have seen up in RockSprings.

Sat the track offered a $250 team purse and Staats/Lizard Skins won. Awesome!!!!

The comp was great, I had to race 19-27xpert which really pushes me. There were 7 total in the gate, In the main the old guys- myself and Baue went 1 and 2!!!!!!! Old guys rule!

Well I will report more later
Jason Melton
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Postby Dave W » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:08 pm

Bennett you rocked. Curtis you were way smoother than the last time I saw you ride. Watching Jordan S and Mitch R whoa. My son Jacob got 2nd, but was stoked because he beat the Wells kid from Idaho one round of qualifying. Congrats to Staats/ Lizard Skins and PBP for their team wins. Thanks Darla for the assistance in the gate again. By the way Jason G I have video of Darla racing in the moms challenge race. She represented well with a 4th place finish.

The good news is my training has been paying off, Ian actually has to try a little to beat me now. The bad news is I shouldn't have went for the glory in my last race. I separated my shoulder and now am feeling pretty sorry for myself. I had high hopes of moving to Inter before Nationals in May. Oh well, at least the Dr. said I could race if I don't use my right arm until then.

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Postby D Dale » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:30 am

Dave.. I am sorry to hear about your shoulder that's a bummer. Take care of yourself and heal quickly.

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Curtis Newkirk
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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:32 am

Dave - you were the king of smooth this weekend. I am still amazed at the snap you got on that one gate (the one where Darla held you up :wink: ). You owned 20" and were looking awfully fast in cruiser. You have come a long way and I hope to be able to follow in your steps. Sorry to hear about the shoulder. Did you go down?

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Postby Dave W » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:03 am

Yeah Curtis, I went down in the last corner of my last race on my last day. I unclipped right out of the gate and didn't get clipped in until half way through the rythm section. I knew my only chance to get the win was to cut hard in the last corner and I slid out. My wife asked me if I would do it different if I could replay it. I told her I decided before that race that I was going to give it my all or nothing. She didn't like that answer. I guess I should be more responsible, and evaluate level of risk for just one race. I just wanted to move to inter bad. Oh well, I had a good time. My son had fun, and I forgot to mention my neice Kelsey from Montana did her first ever bmx race in RFL 13 novice and got 1st. Maybe she's just good or maybe it's because she has a motocross track in her backyard back home. Anyway it was a good time for all.

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Postby JasonStout » Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:54 pm

Dave W. -

I don't wanna be the one to keep you down, but maybe consider racing the GSL national as a Novice! You'll find plenty of competition there. Also- to be Inter you have to get 6 wins AND be able to hold yourself up in the gate! I don't know if Darla is going to be there on May 14th!



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