PIC of the day! *revamped*

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Postby J Gallo » Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:47 pm

If anyone has any old pics they would like to post, but need help in hosting the picture here for the forums, email it over to me at jgallo@utahbmx.com and tell me where to stick it (The picture that is! :lol: ) and I'll get it posted for you!
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Postby JasonStout » Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:34 pm

Isn't that Gavin Story? Not Stew in the SE stuff?

I was probably at that race, but had already lost my moto to Ian E. ;)

Keep the old school pics coming!


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Postby bnd » Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:59 pm

Gavin would of been about 10 in 83' so I think that's his Dad.

This is from summer of 93', Twin peaks SX in Murray. I had already transfered out & took a pic of my class in the gate. L-R, Ryan Allred (Heathers bro), Tracy (can't remember his last name!), Scott Brown, Dave Hoffman, & Mike Mish. If you look REAL close behind Scott, you can see Harry Ream's brother..... :P




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Postby bnd » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:19 pm

My very first BMX race, The "X" track, Sandy, Utah. 1977. :shock:

This track was located right next to the elementry school next to Alta View Hospital. The track is no longer there. What the deal was, in the summer Sandy City Police Dept. held 1 BMX race a month throughout the season. It wasn't sanctioned so all you did was show up & race. I had a neighbor friend tell me about it & I got my bike ready, my sister sent me a hockey helmet to race in, t-shirt & levis. It was pretty knarly track as it was kindof downhill. As you can see it was a wooden gate with some dude just raising his hand & when he said go, it was on. I showed this picture to Kevin Sleater a few years ago & guess what, I'm the one on the far left, the guy next to me in the face mask is Keith Archibald & the kid on the far right w/ his hand on his hip is Kevin!(you can't see him but he's there) Small world eh? This track even had a water jump that was huge & you did get wet. My bike was a Huffy with a banana seat on it. I remember down the first straight was a 4-5ft' sheer drop off & my handlebars would move forward every time. I think I was fresh out of the 5th grade here.




Postby Guest » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:26 pm

You guys amaze me with your length of time in this great sport. I really dig seeing these old pics and need to call the Peeps back in Texas to get some of my old shots sent up. I bailed out in '82 in favor of chasing girls once I got my drivers license :roll:

Keep up the great work guys. This jaunt down memory lane is fun.

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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Thu Feb 10, 2005 11:30 pm

Sorry - the 'guest' post above was me. Forgot to log in :oops:

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Postby TP » Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:01 am


cool picture from 93. I had a three race stint. As you know I got hurt in 1990. By 1993 my knee was good enough to make a comeback. I raced a couple locals and one day of the SLC national. At the time my wife Cathi was carrying our first child! a girl! She was born on June 30 but passed away. Her name is Taylor.
It was a very sad time for myself and my wife. And I never really had the urge to race again until Ryan (our second child) wanted to race late in the 2000 season.

b, Is that a smile on my face? wow!! I guess I do have fun!!!

Thanks for the picture, I can't believe you know it was me! TP

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Postby bnd » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:31 am

I do remember that you only raced a few times then disappeared. I just got back into racing that year & raced Saturday at the Nat. & got 2nd. I can name a few others in the pic, I just wish some of those others would of hung around. My long term memory is killer...its my short term that gets me in trouble.


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Postby J Gallo » Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:00 am


There is obviously alot of interest in this thread. So my question is should we continue to post
more pictures and reply here in the forums, or should I create a special web page for all the
OS pics and stories?

Keep in mind, I can make the page so it will allow you to upload your own pics and text.

Let me know what you think, I would just need a little bit of time to put the pages together,
along with the program to upload.

Thanks for all the great info and pics so far!!!
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Postby bubbaliciousbmxr » Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:59 pm


Hey- do you have any o.s. pictures Eric Nikoliasen? I heard he was really good.

Maybe I should just be asking B. on this, does ANYONE have any pic's of Eric?

Let me know!



Postby Guest » Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:44 pm

According to my super secert number decoder, In the 1983 Super Series OS picture of Melton, #146 is Andy Chiapuzio. I can't make out any other #'s on the list except 589 and he not on the list. If you get me the numbers I can decode them for you. No guarantees because my decoder says #32 is Jason Helton.
SE guy is to old to be Gavin and to young to be Stu. The only people I remember wearing SE and Camo was Mitch Bennet , Jamie Fox, and one of the Fegley.

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Postby tread » Fri Feb 11, 2005 3:59 pm

Bruce, I used to race threr in 1977. I lived right around the corner from that track. I loved the mud pit they had there. I should be in some of those old photos.

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Postby bnd » Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:33 pm

I tried to scan more pics, including some of Eric but my scanner is a massive POS & it decided not to work today.

I race 2 times in the summer of 77', I have more pics. The mud pit.....was just a big ramp with about a 2ft' drop off but it was about 15-18 ft' long & was DEEP! My buddy Kyle (R.I.P.) hit that jump on his Kawasaki full susp. shock bike, went OTB's & disappeared. I will never forget looking at him soaking wet & the only thing he could see of his bike was a handlebar grip sticking out of the water.


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Postby bnd » Fri Feb 11, 2005 5:36 pm

Also, I do have a pic of Eric's little nephew/bro?? I can't remember his name, from 83'. He was racing the 5 & under class & was the darling of the little guy class, him & Kris Park. Yes I remember when Kris was 5 & racing!


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Postby FLYNHIGH » Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:39 am

That pic that Jason Melton posted from the indoor 83 is one that my mom took when her and my dad were dating. She was taking it of Shane Gilbert (191?) in the red shirt/blue helmet next to Melton. She says it was probably practice cause Shane is older than Jason. She actually has some pics of my dad racing too back then.


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