Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

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Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby joker75 » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:29 pm

I was kicking around on Vintagebmx.com and stumbled on a post that someone was looking to start another track in Cedar City.

"Actually, You are in luck. I just came across your post, but my husband and I are getting a track started up here in Cedar City as we speak. Its still in the development stages but we plan on opening the track by August 1st!! For more info you can email me at info@ironmountainbmx.com and look for the website ironmountainbmx.com coming soon!!!"

I contacted Dianna through e-mail and they are trying to get an ABA track started in Cedar City. Dianna said that she does have a lot of questions about getting things rolling. I e-mailed her links to Rad Canyon and Redhills websites including the contact info for the track operators. If there is anyone else that would be willing to take some time and answer some of her questions contact her at info@ironmountainbmx.com

I know that I'm looking forward to another place to go play bikes with all of the great firends that I have made in the Utah BMX family.

Hal Gaerte
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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby JasonStout » Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:42 pm

This is wonderful news!!!

We have several riders here in St. George that are looking for ABA racing.

Thanks again for building it!

Jason Stout
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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby ironmtnbmx » Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:21 pm

Hey everyone,

We are in full swing of getting this track going down here in Cedar City. We are running into an issue of trying to get some land secured however. Much of the land here in Cedar is either owned by the BLM and protected, or is private land and I dont have 600K to drop on the amount of land we need. I am reaching out to EVERYONE to keep your ears peeled, if you hear or see ANY land that we may be able to lease or get donated {TAX FREE (:} please let me know. I am starting to panic here! I have everything lined up from donation of dirt, to equipment, etc but I cant have any of that until I have land!!

Thanks for your support everyone!

Wild Bills BMX
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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby Wild Bills BMX » Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:44 am

Is there not a track already built just south of town where the MX track is ?

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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby ironmtnbmx » Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:32 am

There used to be a MX track and a BMX track here, but they both closed in 2005. I tried to talk to the owner of the land to see if he would be willing to lease the space to us since a lot of the structures and parking are all there, but they guy was kind of a jerk and said he would sell it to me no less than 40K an acre....mind you its 20 acres of land! So, now I am looking in to state lease land to see what I can get through them.

Wild Bills BMX
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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby Wild Bills BMX » Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:40 pm

You do know that the Virgin Track is on BLM land ? So don't rule that out . Also you might want to get with Brain Black in St.George as they have been talking about building a ABA track down there . What only a 40 t0 50 mile drive one way and then it would be able to get up and running early and run races latter in the season .


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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby ironmtnbmx » Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:23 pm

I was not aware that someone was trying to open a track in st george. Do you know how I would get in contact with them?? Also, I didnt know that Virgin was on BLM land, I will have to talk to them to see how they were able to get that land! Thanks for all your suggestions!


Wild Bills BMX
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Re: Hopefully another track in the great state of Utah.

Postby Wild Bills BMX » Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:34 am

If you would like to call me I will give you Brian Blacks number . My number is 435 513 0744 . Wait till later today to call as I am in Hurricane and my phone does not work here . I don't believe that the people running the track now have the answers you are looking for about the BLM . I would suggest you call Jay Lee he was one of the founders of that tracks . I can give you his number as well .


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