Indoor Season is Over

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Indoor Season is Over

Postby LocoTone » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:22 pm

I wish I could scream from the mountaintops to the rest of the world, and let them all know what a GREAT scene we have here in Utah for BMX! It's been a real treat to have the facilities that we do so we can continue to pursue our passion during the winter, hanging out with our friends and families enjoying this wonderful sport.
A very special thank you goes out to all involved to bring us this great opportunity, Ron, Jason, Steve, Roland, Mont, Wes, Heather, Ian, Barbara, Susan, Dallas and Heather Edwards, geez, where does this list end? I know I've missed some, but you know who you are, and thanks to you too!
Special thanks to Jonas, Kris, Jaden, and Billy, for putting together a great clinic on Saturday. I'm sure we all came away with something we can use to better our performance, and bring our game to another level.
I know it seems like May is a long way off, but it'll be here before we know it. Until then, I know I'm going to be training hard to bring it on come outdoor season when we can all get back together to enjoy the sport that we all love.

By the way, whoever came up with the idea for a Crazy Old Guy (and Gal, can't forget Alex) pit bike race, that was pure comic genius! Taking the fun level into the stratosphere! Here is the video that my wife Michelle took of that hilarious race.

P.S. Much love, and best wishes to the Waller family. May they be blessed in all their future life endeavors. I'm sure they we be enjoying the warm Texas sun, long before any of us get to enjoy our local outdoor BMX track.

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby McCauley » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:17 am

Well said Tony,The list of people that make this work is endless.The out of town riders that show to play with us in are backyard THANK YOU.
I would like to thank all of those that have helped me to improve my riding everytime out Bruce,Micheal,Dan and the rest of the COG's that I'm working on catching up with.I'll see some of you at the skate parks an trails working on skills the next 2 months.
Big THANKS to Team EIGHT ZERO ONE for the invite to be part of your team.
Having a GREAT time


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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby Adrock » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:17 pm

Well said guys! Thanks to everyone involved! What an awesome experience racing BMX has been! Such a great group of peeps! Thanks for welcoming me into your family! See ya all in May!

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby bnd » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:44 pm

This run of indoor races have probebly been some of the best times ever in my BMX career. Other than this past weekend & dealing with injury, there was nothing but good times out at the events center. Even getting yelled at by officials & my wife at certain times didn't diminish the experiance. :)

I'd like to thank The Meltons for being the leaders they are, especially when times got tough, being rock solid on how to handle situations with calm & class. All the volunteers that show up & help build, to the sign up people, to the new rider vols, to everybody & anybody that has lent a hand in any form, thanks.

Thanks to Steve Spencer for building some great tracks this season. Mixing it up every race & trying new designs that typically worked every time. Thanks to Roland who is the voice of Utah BMX racing (yeah, I just made him that!) Hopefully he'll be our "Hot Rod Hundley" for years to come. I'd like to thank Pam Healey & Dylan Collings for being our go-to kid watcher when Danita & I are both racing. Mike Kelly for just being a great guy. Brent Barton for stepping up & helping out on the site with his YouTube footage.

I could go on forever but this is the stuff off the top of my head so I know I'm forgetting alot. With 3 months of downtime hopefully I'll see people at the skatepark Sunday mornings, I-Street or the roadie *maybe* to Virgin in the next month or 2.

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby JasonStout » Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:52 pm


No 'maybe' about it...come on down to the Virgin Track. The track is in awesome shape! We race this Saturday an every other Saturday for months through November! (During the hot months, we race Friday evenings.)

Please get the crew from "up north" and Vegas together to come ride our awesome track!

Jason Stout
"Push to the line!"

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby stephen kisslinger » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:49 pm


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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby Alex-Gren » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:38 am

Indoor season is over, there's a 2 month break until the outdoor....
anyone gonna be hittin' the skateparks?
I'll be there :)

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby billyschuler » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:18 pm

thank you all for being my FRIENDS!!!! cause without that, this sport wouldnt be what it is, thanks to the COG's even though im wearing the shirt now lol you guys let me in no questions asked, and like i ve said many times you are all part of my BMX family :) amd im always down to ride, trails , parks, downtown is always a blast!! so if your ever sittin around looking for someone to ride with, hit me up!..

steve your tracks are awesome hahah you knwo what im talking about, ron your the man seriously, thank you for your support in all the things ive been trying to put together at the track and making it happen, jonas, dude ..THANK YOU, dave cote...i owe ya buddy but that doesnt mean im gonna stop getting faster lol, .. brent, chris tony you know people say that as you get older you start to lose friends and have less and less that you can call GOOD friends, i feel like i won the lotto when i met all you guys..and its been one hell of a blast chasing you for the last 3 months lol...and everyone else ive met, raced, talked to and hopefully made laugh when i crashed, ( billy mahaffey) thank you all for a great time and see you guys soon!!!

ps..there are races every sat in st. george..yeah sign me up give me directions im there...whos coming with me?

surfer boy. ( and thank you for the nickname roland its much better than lawn :)
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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby LocoTone » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:19 pm

I kinda like lawn dart! :lol: If the shoe fits......
. . . . . . ____
. . . . . . /___/

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Re: Indoor Season is Over

Postby billyschuler » Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:38 am

hey ive been upright for some time now hahha..and just so you know the ostrich head dive that you did last week was pretty amazing as well hahahah...
Freedom Energy/ODEN/Dirt Militia Team Manager

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