I remember back in the day that when you started dominating your older expert class, you would turn pro. The local pro class was where it was at, not hanging around the 17+ expert class forever looking for that one national win. I even wanted to turn pro when I graduated from high school but even with training my ass off I just wasn't cut out for it. But the point is is that I wanted to turn as did the majority of those I raced against. Spencer was a pro at one time, so was Joey May, Roland Critchfield, the list goes on.
Right now there is TP, Martin, Fuzzy, Tafras, Harmon, Hicks, Park & maybe 1 or 2 others I have forgotten. I would bet that if a few guys would forget about the national scene & concentrate on the local, we would have a pretty decent pro turnout during the Indoor season & an OK one in the summer. When our national comes around, then they can test themselves against the national regulars. Somewhere through the years the logic has reversed itself & that's why the local pro scene is nonexsistant.
I could see Simmons as a perfect choice. Cody Lowery, he's got the talent to hang for sure. Tim Thompson, no-brainer!, Jason Melton would be a choice too (Vet Pro?). He works out harder than anyone in here & would definatly rise to the challenge to turn it up a notch. How many more State plates can you get? When does winning moto's by whole straights start getting old? I'm sure there are more racers I'm forgetting since I haven't been around for 6 months & the racers I mention I do so because IMO they have the talent/drive/ & "stuff" to make it work so take it all as compliments guys.
If I was in TP's shoes, I'd start making the rounds & some phone calls seeing if anybody wants to step up & start racing for money & not trophys.
Remember this, if it didn't work out, you can always re-class.