Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

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Curtis Newkirk
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Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Curtis Newkirk » Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:08 am

Hi Utah BMX family. I have been receiving some bad news about the survivability of my company here is Switzerland. It seems that we are rapidly running out of operating cash due to the poor performance of another division in our company. Things might work out, but there is also the possibility that the doors may not reopen at the office after the first of the year. Bummer, but life goes on.

In speaking with Jeni, we have a couple of opportunities. One is in Nashville, and another in Portland, ME. Both good cities, but also both places we don't really know anyone. We also spoke about moving back to Texas where we have plenty of family, but we don't really like the Texas weather too much. I also might be able to find something here is Switzerland, but not being business-fluent in German limits me. After living for nine years in Salt Lake, five of which we raced BMX, we realized that our home, our kids home, and much of our true "family" is in Salt Lake and in the BMX scene. Isn't it funny the relationships BMX brings?

So, I have been looking in SLC for something. Almost anything, to bring us back to Utah. There are some good opportunities there, but it is always good if you know someone who can get a foot in the door. What I typically do is manage software development efforts for health care, but I can do other management type jobs in IT as well. Or for that matter, I can manage, sell, or dig ditches as long as I make enough to support my family :)

If anyone knows anything, or anyone, who has opportunity that looks promising, please let me know. My email is curtislnewkirk@gmail.com

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby bnd » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:01 am

Does that mean I have to give you back all of your stuff I stole out of your garage? :wink:

I'm sorry that is happening to your company but you thinking about moving back here is GREAT news!!! Keep us updated & good luck!

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby b2 » Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:51 am

I'll keep my eyes open, Curtis. That Nashville opportunity--that may be with my work's parent company... I thought there may be something in Vegas with my company, too. I'll try to look into that if it interests you.

And like Bruce said, it would be great to have you all back in SLC.

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Curtis Newkirk » Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:36 am

Bruce - only the good stuff :)

Brent - yes, thanks, please keep an eye out. Vegas is a little far, but I am open to anything right now. The Nashville opportunity is not with a hospital, but a company that does software development for health care. I almost went to work for them a year ago, but took the Swiss opportunity instead. :roll: I will say that this has been a very valuable experience, but I am ready to come back to the good ole You Ess of Ay.

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby JasonStout » Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:52 pm

one more link....


Jason Stout
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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Curtis Newkirk » Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:56 pm

Hi All,

Just a quick update here. Good news and bad news. The good news is that I have a new position I start on Monday. The bad news is that it is not in Utah, but here in Basel, Switzerland. I guess that is not so bad though because international relocation is not easy and to do it twice in one year would be a bit much. As an added plus, the position I accepted is a really good one running a 150 person branch of a large US pharma data and consulting supplier: IMS Health.

Unfortunately, I never found anything significant in Utah. I wish we would have, but nothing in Utah even made it into the arena, much less on to the playing field. In fact, I had a really hard time finding anything out west with the only US opportunities popping up in the East in TN, MA, and NY. We have never lived in the East and really like the West better, so that was not too exciting for us.

There is still a glimmer of hope though for Utah. I am still talking to all of the US-based companies in the East and the one in NY is trying to open a Western US office in the next year or two. If I ever decide to join them it is possible that I might be able to convince them to open the Western offices in Utah. As the last two years have taught me, who knows what the future holds?

Happy New Year all!


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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby bnd » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:20 pm

Hi Curtis,
Any chance of you guys visiting this year in Utah?

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Rope » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:00 pm

Hey Curtis,

Good to know, we're planning on being in Champery for the World Cup on July 24th-25th was hoping to see you and the family if you were still there.

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby b2 » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:44 pm

Well it's good to hear that you've found a good gig. But bummer you're not headed back to Utah... yet. :)

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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Curtis Newkirk » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:07 pm

Kerry - we need to talk before you get too deep in planning. I can help you get some good deals - especially if we plan early. Champrey is one of fourteen resorts in Portes Du Soleil, which I am sure Mitch has told you about. It is flat-out the best place in the world to ride a DH or freeride bile. Period. Your son could spend two weeks here and never ride the same trail twice. DH, freeride, 4X, bike parks, pump tracks...you name it. All connected and all on one cheap lift ticket. Check the video I posted a couple of weeks ago.

Bruce - I am not ruling out a trip to SLC out for 2010 just yet, but to be honest it has to be on a company tab. Before we left I underestimated two things in a big way: The cost of living here, and the cost of flying six people back and forth. Dumb me.

Brent - exactly! It is a little bittersweet, but still sweet. I can tell you for sure that the kids, if given a choice in location to move back to the US, want SLC. They miss many things there, and we all miss the Utah BMX community. One that I can now say is truly world class with the potential of only getting better.

Thanks all,


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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby stephen kisslinger » Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:32 am


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Re: Hello from Switzerland - looking for a position in Salt Lake

Postby Curtis Newkirk » Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:01 am

Haha Steven! I caught the plug for "The Office there. How are you healing?

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