Deseret Peak BMX Season End Race Sat Sept 25th

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Deseret Peak BMX Season End Race Sat Sept 25th

Postby J Gallo » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:28 am

Well Tooele's Deseret Peak BMX race season finally came to a close last nite. You couldn't have asked for better weather. It was probably a little chilly for the spectators but it was perfect for riding.

We ended up with 9 moto's. I had hoped for a few more but I guess it was a decent turnout considering. The evening also concluded the Tooele Open Series races. Congratulations to Cody Kelley and Jason Stout for finishing 1-2 respectively and coming home with the grand prizes of a SWEET Staats frame and Troy Lee Designs Uniform. Smaller "door" prizes we're also given out so pretty much everyone went home with something.

Here's the link to the pictures:

DP BMX Sept 25th Pictures

Thanks to Darin and Diana and all the volunteers who helped make this another successful race season at Deseret Peak.
Last edited by J Gallo on Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bnd » Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:03 pm

Congrats to Kelly & Stout for pursuing the 2 Staats frames up for grabs in the $1 Open this year. I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to Jason Halverson for donating the frames. He was cool enough to flow $500+ worth of product in support of the local race scene.

Next time you see Halvy out at the track, say hi to him & tell him that you appreciate his efforts even if you didn't win anything. You never know what the future will bring.


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Postby JasonStout » Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:20 pm


Did you say 2 (TWO) Staats frames?

First of all, let me say, I'm really am impressed with the involvement of Staats and the generosity of Jason H. toward the Tooele series. Thanks again Bruce and Rich for starting it, and thanks again for the Cooks keeping it going through all of it's transitional phrases. (speaking of the series.) That kind of support of the local track was fantastic. Thanks again to all who were involved to make it happen.

I hesitate to get into this whole discussion-but that is a risk I'm willing to take at this point. Let's get to the bottom of this whole deal. Bruce, If two frames were promised, and that was my impression- (an impression shared with Darren Cook as well-) Then bring on the 2nd frame. If you, Bruce Ritter, a 3rd witness also knew of this arrangement, then what happened from then to now? (In a court of law 1 witness is usually enough, two is rarely disputed, but 3+.....What happened?)

I started making plans to hit the DP races knowing that the possibility of upgrading my sweet specialized Y bike to a rockin' Staats cruiser ride could be a result of consistant effort and a lot of drive time. I counted the points, attended the races, and kept tabs on my competition as any points chaser does. I was clearly in the lead of my category (13+) and sitting comfortably in the clear for a new Staats frame.

This was my understanding until 3 weeks ago when it was explained to me that there was to be one frame and one TLD set.

This changed my perspective from "plenty to go around" to "scarcity mentality". I had to decide if I was to play the points chase game.

So, there I was, 3 weeks ago- in a close points chase with a 10 year old. Imagine for a minute- put yourself in that situation-"steeling candy from a kid" comes to mind. Oh, I'm competative. I quickly devised a plan in my mind to make it happen. It would have been easy. But at what cost. One too great for me to pay.

I went home from that race, 3 weeks ago with a choice to make. I had several options. I also became aware that Cody Kelley is the newest Staats team member. (conrats and props to you!!!) As a result of this change, His parents are going to have to foot a healthy bill to buy new stuff. I really like Mike, Pam and Cody. I can't think of few families that contrubute more to the sport of BMX in Utah. They are all a huge part of racing, and dear personal friends of mine. I couldn't bring myself to compete for a frame with a kid-especially one who deserved it more than I do.

So that was my choice. To just back off, finish the series in 2nd place and collect the prize-graciously. I'm not "mad that I lost"- I'm just interested in the breakdown of communication. All was fine and peaceful until this thread comes up with Bruce- the author of the series, mentions a two frame deal.

So here we are. I have a certificate for TLD (which many of you would agree I could surely use, and I'm okay with that- now) and some confusing information about what happened from start to finish.

I'd be interested to see what you all have to say about it. If you think I should have kept my mouth shut, please express it. let me know. If you think I have a case- let's hear it. Jason Gallo- please, no editing. I'm putting myself out there- , (hopefully not like a pinata) but some honest responses would be nice.

Bruce- Can you help me here? When did it go from 2 frames to one?I would personally like to thank Jason H, for donating 2 frames as well-if that is what he did.

Let the responses begin.....


Jason Stout

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Postby J Gallo » Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:06 pm

Hey Stout,

First off, your post is perfectly fine in its entirety. I have no intention of doing any kind of edits.

Now, on to the Open Series. I was not as involved as others in the creating, running, or the procurement of prizes, but I was under the impression it was to be 1 Staats frame and 1 TLD Uni, with the overall #1 choosing one or the other, and the 2nd place would get what's leftover.

Here is Bruce's original post about the Tooele Open Series:

Tooele Open Series

I would have loved for you to win the Staats frame, as you would be very deserving. The effort you put into travel and sportsmanship is 2nd to none. I hope in the end that everyone gets what they want and any possible misinterpretations don't lead to any bad feelings on either side. This started off as an extremely positive benefit for the Utah BMX riders and hopefully it will end that way.
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Postby JasonStout » Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:03 am

Jason G- oh webmaster, my webmaster-( i was saying not to edit future posts on this thread. Free speech applies here too-slander isn't welcome however...)

This post was when the open series was one catagorie, not limited to age. Brandon Smith won the first night, with Ian Elliot taking 2nd, I was in the 3rd spot, Rick E. 4th, Cody Kelly 5th.... Phoenix Passey was in there somewhere....etc...

With this format you can see the obvious two problems (big kids against little kids competing-also little kids would have no chance of winning "overall first!") so the catagory format was created. This format came with the "2 frame" prizes....(or at least that was my understanding, along with Bruce, Darren, and....?)

The 2 formats were created so that kids, and bigger kids were not set up to compete against each other. However, This is what happened in the end.

Remember, I was one point behind Cody 3 weeks ago. When I made my choice to conceed. I had calculated that I would still win my 13+ catagory. So can you see the frustration of making choices based on information that didn't hold up.

Jason, Bruce's post was the original information about the series-before the formats were created.

I'm gonna look great in my new TLD uni!!!!!

Thanks again Staats and Jason H.!


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Postby J Gallo » Tue Sep 28, 2004 6:22 am

OK, I see what your talking about. Like I said, I wasn't directly involved so I wasn't aware of those changes. That new set up would definitely make it more fair to all ages.

Hopefully we can get some clarification from those involved and work this all out.
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Postby Heather Allred » Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:49 am

Big thanks goes out to the Cook's and all of the other volunteers for all of there hard work this year with Tooele. It is greatly appreciated.
On the subject to the $1 open series in Tooele, there was only one frame and one TLD uniform promised. No more of this he said she stuff. :D

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Postby J Gallo » Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:08 pm


I heard you weren't feeling well Saturday night :(

Hope your feeling better! :lol:
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Postby bnd » Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:44 pm


Here's what I remember, I say this because my memory is pretty bad admittedly.

I called it quits on the local level sometime in the beginning of June. The $1 Open was broken down to 2 groups (12 & under & 13 & over ? right?) Well like I said, if I remember right, originally there was 1 frame & 1 TLD uni to be given away but after some discussion, I believe the uni was swapped for another frame. I'm pretty sure I talked to Halvy about this & it was cool. So the winners from both classes got a *production frame*.

I haven't been in contact with the Cooks or anybody else concerning the matter since then, so I have no clue what has changed since then.

...Or maybe Iv'e been hitting the crack pipe one too many times.


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Postby tread » Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:40 pm

...Or maybe Iv'e been hitting the crack pipe one too many times.

Put the crack pipe down and step away from the vehicle! Hehe! :D
Are you filling any better B? Call me so we can go pawn shopping.

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Postby tread » Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:42 pm

Hey Jason, thats funny stuff! Just now noticed it.

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Postby JasonStout » Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:01 pm

Thanks for the confirmation Bruce!


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Postby J Gallo » Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:03 am

I guess the real confirmation of prizes promised needs to come from Darin or Diana, since they were the only ones directly involved in the Open series from inception to conclusion.
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Postby D Cook » Thu Sep 30, 2004 7:57 pm

Hi all,
First of all let me say thank you to all who supported us this year at Deseret Peak BMX, it was a great season!

Apparently there is a question again about the $1.00 open series, and I guess I need to clear it up.

At the begining of the year when this series was proposed, I said yes under very clear conditions, the biggest one being that those who wanted it would have someone at every race all year long to run it, that was agreed to, so we decided to go ahead, Bruce talked to Staats and got
1 frame and 1 Uni donated for prizes to the series. I never talked to Staats and just trusted Bruce that we would get what was promised, later when changes were made, and then made again, there was some talk about getting 2 frames, however as far as I know it was only ever talk, soon after this talk started Bruce decided that he was no longer going to be involved, at that point we made the decision to keep the series going and we did just that, because I had been given NO conformation about a change in awards, we continued to advertise for 1 frame and 1 uni, in the end, Staats gave us 1 frame and 1 uni, I am taking that as conformation that all that was ever agreed upon and that was exactley what we gave away!

I hope this clears this up for everyone involved or not involved and I am sorry if there was any confusion.

Darrin and Diana Cook
Deseret Peak BMX


Postby .bnd » Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:13 pm

Thanks for chiming in D. I knew I wasn't on crack as I do recall talking to J about the swap but it must of been forgotten about after I left. No big deal, the prizes still kick butt. Nobody's going to recognize Stout in a full uniform.

Hey Gallo, bet you didn't know I look like MC Hammer on crack.....


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