what do you want to see stocked at the local bike shop?

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what do you want to see stocked at the local bike shop?

Postby greg » Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:41 am

As some of you may know, me and my son Spencer are sponsored by Golsan Cycles. This may, or may not, help put me in a position to suggest BMX racing gear that they might consider carrying. They have a great start by choosing Staats frames and completes, as well as Haro completes, and carrying a few crupi parts.

My question is, what kind of parts will get you guys into the shop? I know there is always people talking about local bike shop involvement, but what about racers supporting the bike shops? What do the shops have to carry to get racers to go in there and buy stuff? All I know is my habits and what frustrates me. What about everyone else? Are there parts that you need, but cant find locally?

In my mind, I'd love a shop to carry all of the common stuff in a variety of sizes, etc. These are small ticket items, but will get customers into the shop. For example:

1)* freewheels in 16, 17, and 18. ACS claws and maybe a high end model
2)* sprockets in 39-44 maybe profile and sharp
3) chains- what kind?
4)* handle bars- maybe crupi, S&M, Supercross in all sizes available
5)* grips- ODI, ATI
6)* chain rings- crupi 39-44
7) necks- what kind?
8)* tires- what kind? all sizes
9) uniforms

All of the astriks are things I had problems finding in the past. Not really finding a name brand, but just being able to find anything localy was a pain. For example, when building up Spencer's bike, I had a hard time finding bars his size. It was just a joke. Try finding a 42 tooth sprocket sometime...you may get lucky, but you may not.

I guess my point of this post is that I'm trying to get Golsan's to carry more BMX racing stuff, but I think it has to be stuff people want and need. Am I just setting them up to have allot of inventory sit around for years without selling? Or do others feel the way I do...that we need more local availability of parts and will gladly go to the shop to get it.

On a side note to this, I am getting them to make me a banner or two, team uniforms, and basically be more visible at the track. I do think that we will see allot of support in the future from a shop that's been around for along time, and shows the willingness to step it up.
Greg "how long does it take you to crash" prawitt

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Postby J Gallo » Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:18 am

First off let me say I totally support the idea of supporting the LBS's. I have purchased a few things from a mail order BMX supply business in the past and will probably never do it again (unless there is absolutely no alternative).

I have shopped Golsan's before, and it wasn't a totally great experience, but that's another story for another time.

Now with that being said, there is only one place I will probably buy all my bikes and bike parts from in the future. Performance Bike Parts. There is NO better supporter of our local BMX scene than Ian and Heather. They have helped me out in so many ways I couldn't possibly list them all here. I have bought a few things through them (and almost bought a new bike, but Miller's bike became available :) ) and will probably by alot more in the future. They give as much to our BMX community as they take, and spend countless hours helping repair bikes to ensure every kid is out there on the track having fun.

By the way, keep an eye on the website in the next coming months for the Performance Bike Parts online catalog!

I wish I could support EVERY business that supports BMX, but I don't make that kind of money. And my wife's a teacher so I think she almost qualifies for food stamps :) It's great that Golsan has gotten involved with BMX sponsorship, and hopefully carrying more BMX parts will help them increase sales.
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Postby ian elliott » Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:12 pm

thank's jason for all the nice comment's we really appreciate it. :D WOW my first post can you believe it jason :lol: thank's again IAN & HEATHER

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Postby tread » Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:49 pm

50/50 in Sandy, and a new store soon to be opened in Layton seem to carry just about anything BMX! If they don't have it they will get it asap.
Fuzz is trying to get back into the BMX local seen heavy!

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Postby greg » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:56 am

well, I definately have to agree that Ian and Heather do a great job. I too have been able to use their tools and am very greatful to have them at the races. Same with the Healeys, they've been great help at the tracks. I don't want to take away anything from either Performance bike parts or the Healeys. Their presence at the races help with more then just the occasional tool loan or new number plate, etc. I think they add a kind of event feel to the races. I have brought a few new riders, and spectators, out to the races, and it almost never fails that they want to go buy stickers at the trailers. I don't know how to really put this in words, but I'll try. Looking back when I was a kid, whenever we went somewhere like the fair, or a little trip somewhere, you always bought a little something....stickers, keychain, arrowhead, whatever......and it always tied your memory to that place and time. It's the same way at the tracks, I think. New racers and potential new racers buy little insignificant things, but it ties them to the race track. Everytime they look at it, they remember BMX, and it keeps it in the front of thier minds. Ian and Heather and the Healeys not only provide the esentials for us at the tracks, but they also provide a way for the kids to connect to BMX when they are at home. Anyway, I think they provide an invaluable service to BMX racing and the tracks, and I for one, will always try to support them anyway I can.

Jason, sorry that you had a bad experience at Golsan's. I don't know if it was at the 104th south shop, but Scott Golsan (who runs the 104th so shop) seems to be a pretty stand up kind of guy, so hopefully his shop and employees reflect his level of expectations.

as far as 50/50 and Fuzzy, I've never been in his shop personally, so i cant really speek of it much. I do know that when I called looking for parts for Spencer's bike, they about laughed at me when i asked if they carried race parts. Now, that was awhile back, and that may have changed (I hope).

Well, this thread didn't go where I was hoping. I just have been talking to Scott Golsan abit lately, and he does want to expand into the BMX racing arena. Not that I know that he will take any advice from me, but I have only been able to talk about personal experiences to him, and was hoping that others may want to share some problems that they have faced, and maybe help make the local shopping scene more diverse.

I can also be told that you think the local scene is fine. That the trailers at the races, as well as the local shops, already carry enough stuff to satisfy you. Maybe I'm way off base with this, I don't know.

Maybe I just think too much...sitting here all alone.......all night......just watching computer monitors........I really need a new job!!
Greg "how long does it take you to crash" prawitt

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Postby J Gallo » Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:47 am

Ian said: WOW my first post can you believe it jason

Congrats Ian! ( You know what I want to say here, so just say it to yourself so I don't get in trouble with any of our young readers :wink: )

And Greg,

Sorry, I didn't mean to shift the focus of your post. It wasn't that I had a "bad" experience, and I didn't walk out and I still made my purchase. But back to the topic....

When I first started back into the sport, the item's I had the toughest time finding were safety gear and uniforms, locally that is. I had a tough time finding a decently priced helmet that I liked. I ended up having to buy one from eBay. It was also tough to find race pants and jerseys at local shops. I ended up having to purchase those on eBay also, but then found a shop down in Payson that had some decent stuff. Then there is also knee/shin pad combo's, good elbow pads, chest protectors, etc.

I'd like to see more of those type items available locally, but I also understand that from a bike owners perspective, these may not be the items that fly off the shelves.
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