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Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:11 pm
by JasonStout
So what are you all reading?

My favorite read as of late is a fable called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. I've read it in its native language of Portuguese as well as English!

How about you guys- what is your favorite book?

JS-nerd BMX racer!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:26 pm
by J Gallo
As I'm not college educated and on my way to get a Master's like my namesake Stout, I still enjoy "Encyclopedia Brown" and the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory books. :)

And anything with alot of pictures! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:41 pm
by justinsbmxmom
I read Cosmo and Oprah religiously! I love Joan Collins books and John Grisham and childrens' books. The imagination is alive when your nose is in a book!


Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:15 pm
by JasonStout
Willy, and Encyclopedia brown are great.

Trust me, those books are "big reads" compared to "The Alchemist".

What is the Lure with John Grisham anyway? So many people love his writting. I've never read one. I'll have to try one.

List of things to do this summer:

Learn how to Sling shot out of the gate
Read a John Grisham book
Race BMX

Any other suggestions?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:51 pm
by J Gallo
There is one book that stands out that I liked. It's called "Airframe" by Michael Crichton I think. Probably one of the only books (other than willy wonka, charlotte's web, etc) that I've read more than once.

There is also another writer by the name of Lee Child who wrote a series of books starting a character named Jack Reacher that I enjoy reading.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:13 am
by greg
I always find it difficult to name a favorite book or author. I do tend to read more of the historical fiction type, though.

The Three Musketeers
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Black Orchid
and just about everything by Alexander Dumas

The Illiad and The Odyssey by Homer

by Sir Walter Scott (I have a very nice 1885 edition which was a Christmas present to a Henry Andersen)

Pepys' Diary (pronounced peeps)

and if I had to chose a favorite it would be
Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory

I also love the classics by Dickens, Twain, King, and Playboy.

So, I guess I'm definately a BMX nerd, huh?

Hey Homer!

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:55 pm
by JasonStout

Dumas rules! I had no idea you were such a reader!

I gotta ask- how did you make it through Homer's Odessey? sp?
I just watched the movie "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?" and called it good. (Ya'll know it was based on Homer's Odessey)

How about books that enhance sport performance?

"The Inner Game of Tennis"- is one that uses Tennis to teach about the psychological aspects of BMX or any other activity. (My violin teacher recommended this book- and I share it with my volleyball students-Very applicable, and its not about tennis!)

I gotta go read a text book



Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:07 am
by greg

Yea, I do try to read as much as possible. I find myself slowing down more and more these days, with all of the other activities going on.

I've watched "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?" I think 3 times now. And, yes, i did know it was based on Homer.....very funny movie, says I.
As far as the books go, I don't really have to much trouble with them. I've read a few different translations, adn some are definately easier then other's. Same goes for Le morte D'Arthur....very dificult read sometimes, but the more you read of that type of stuff, the easier it gets.

Try reading Plato. I find myself reading the same passages over and over, trying to make sence of what he is saying.

too bad for you.....having to read a text book......I don't think I've come across one that I have liked yet.

I'll have to give "The Inner Game of Tennis" a try. Despite my physical appearance, i am interested in sports performance and physical developement.

well, before this post becomes a book, I guess i better leave it at that.


So, do BMXers read?

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:18 am
by bubbaliciousbmxr
Of course BMXers read, as soon as were done racing and playing video games and watching T.V. :D

Right now I'm reading 'The Work and the Glory,' by "Lund" (I don't know how to spell his first name!) In the series there are about nine books, and I'm the middle of the sixth. The coolest part is that Mr. Lund placed fictional charaters into LDS history, so its educational too.

And then theres the ever popular answers like the Harry Potter series, (which is getting boring) and the Lord of the Rings series.

But like i said, it all happens AFTER the racing and the video games and T.V. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:21 pm
by J Gallo
Ok, my new book now is "The JavaScript Bible", Edition 3. I need to learn how to program a few things for this site, so I'm trying to get through this book for the 3rd time. We'll see if I can get stick with it this time. It reads like a textbook.

I also had to re-read a few chapters of my "CGI Programming with Perl" book when I couldn't get the Points Calculator to work right. If anyone is familiar with Perl, I used "==" when I should have been using "eq".

It's always in the details... LOL :)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:30 pm
by justinsbmxmom
Whatever you say Jason....whatever you say.

Remember, some of us are blonde so stuff like that doesn't just go over our heads, it flies way up high. :roll:


Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:04 pm
by bubbaliciousbmxr
Well for Jenni that may be true, and usually is for me, BUT guess what?

One of my only accomplishments for over the winter was that i wanted to do something so i took apart most of my computer and put it all back together...and i just realized why my computer is acting up. DANG!

So, the moral of the story is that blondes can be smart, sometimes. (This is the same blonde who ran into a door a few days ago too... :shock: )

hey jason, good luck with "Javascript Bible".[/u]

Reading on

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:15 pm
by JasonStout
update of reading material!

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
Bonds that make us Free-
Advanced principles of Sport Psychology- text for school
and El Libro de Mormon

Does anyone have a favorite fiction novel they would suggest?

Jason Stout

book titles

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:55 am
by bubbaliciousbmxr
Jason, I've heard that the HALO book series is good, its about a robot that helps the human race defeat some aliens from taking over the universe. It's based off of the game HALO (for xbox).

I've also read every book in the Star Wars series, (took three years!) and the ones by J.K. Anderson are great! So just a few book titles...

Also I'm thinking of writing a book. A fictional one about BMX. well not all about BMX, but about five teen BMXers and how they survived the summer. Just a thought, but can i get some feedback on this? I'd really like to know if anyone would read it if i was to publish it.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:13 am
by J Gallo

I'd love to read a story about BMX, or about five teen BMXers and how they survived the summer. I'd say go for it!

Once it's completed, I'd be more than happy to "publish" it here on the website! Plus, my mom works for a print shop here in town, so if you want to take it that far, let me know!