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Lasik Eye Surgery - ?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:32 pm
by J Gallo
Any had or know anyone who has had lasik eye surgery? I want my wife to have it done so I'm looking for referrals.

Though I'm kinda scared she'll finally see what she married and drop me for something better! :lol:


Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 10:03 pm
by D Cook
Both my sisters in law had it done, email me with your phone # and I'll see if one of them will contact her, or at least give me the name of their dr for you.


Eye surgery

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:01 pm
by Hardys
Kimberly here. I had the surgery done about 4 years ago. I would recommend it to everyone. Although I had mine done out of state, I do have a pretty cool video of the procedure, if you'd like to see it. Not rated R, but still pretty cool. "Hula-Hula"

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:02 pm
by bubbaliciousbmxr
My dad had it done about 4 years ago too.

It was kind of a scary process for a young kid, thinking that your dad was having eye sugery (espchally if you didn't know what lasik meant, if it meant anything), but he's got perfect vision now and can see everything!