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High gas prices.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:17 pm
by bnd
I see that the cheap stuff was 3.55$ at my local station this morning! I will bet anyone that it closes in on $4 a gallon going into Memorial Day weekend. Have any of you faithful readers changed your driving habits because of this?

Last week I finally started to commute on my bike. I have an old MTB I put slicks on, a bike rack & lights front & rear. I leave my house a little after 6am & get to work without breaking a sweat in about 25 minutes. It takes me around 30 to get home hammering the whole way. I did this 3 times & hope to do it at least Mon-Thurs for the rest of the summer. I figure I'm saving $100+ a month on gas & not putting any extra wear & tear on the truck. PLUS, this is how I'm getting my ride time in now too, training for my mtb races.

Anybody else doing anything different?


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:57 pm
by bubbaliciousbmxr
Job switches to accomodate all people in one place, oh and carpooling all the way.

Already high gas prices

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:06 am
by jnasty
Here in powell we have been paying $4.00 a gallon on land for a while now, well $3.99, but hey whose counting right? I am! My commute to work is probably one of the shortest available, about two songs on my ipod when I ride my bike to work, and then about three minutes on the scooter.

Recently I purchased to 49cc scooters for my wife and I. A great incentive that the company I work for is if we work a month without injury, we get gas coupons, and icrease every month with continued safety. So I had them exchanged for 1 gallon coupons, and I will live off of those for about four months. With the exception of coming to town for races. I am averaging 80 miles to the gallon, and its super fun as well.

I ride my MTN bike as well, but Park Service is cracking down on my path to work, so I will have to wait til winter to hit those up.

Keep on keepin on!