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Dani's Question to the World...

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:47 pm
by Guest
Hey guys, Dani here (I would log in but I am feeling a little lazy today). Just got a quick question for you guys,
I have a bunch of shot BMX stories, mostly young adult pre-teen/tween kind of stories thatI have written. Here is my question:
What do you think I should do with them?

All ideas will be taken into consideration, even if its throwing them away, so let me know your ideas. I'm here to please the UtahBMX community!

Thanks Guys!


Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:16 am
by JasonStout
print, or save them to a disk.

Keep them. Usually they are more accessable in hard print form.

Do not deystroy them. You will have more insight to your adolescent soul as you read them in years to come.

Keep 'em

Who knows, they may someday have another purpose- like a miniseries on one of the thousands of cable channels soon to be available- they'll need programming!