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Tooele race report, season opener.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:34 am
by bnd
The day has come finally, outdoor racing is here again, woohoo!!

Rock Springs was having a RCQ this same weekend so it pulled alot of the locals over there but we still had a decnt turnout. The weather couldn't of been finer. The track was alittle rough & bumpy in spots but its nothing a few weekends of touchups won't cure.
We had 6 in cruiser & 4 in class. I had an excellent chance to win cruiser tonight but the first time in a year, after I got the pop, I clipped out & couldn't get back in before the whole gate blew past me! I'm taking the Shimano spuds off & putting a full size platform clip on instead. Oh well.
Class was Stout & a 19x. Stout got to the corner first but I was right on him & the kid was breathing down my neck all the way around the track. 2nd place, I'm happy.
We stayed for another 1hr practicing & if it didn't get soo cold I would of stayed longer.

The track needs some buffing out in a spot or two, the Cooks are going to let us know if they could us some help in the volunteer dept. to get it right before the races next weekend. Your help would be appreciated if it happens.


DPBMX First Race of the Season!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:52 am
by D Cook
We could not have asked for a better day to race than yesterday,
the weather was wonderful!

Thanks to all who came out, we may not always say it but we appriciate the support!

Ok, last night we had a total of 49 racers, and 11 motos, I believe 7 new members joined the ABA last night most of them local Tooele County racers.

This was also the first night that we had our Plaques available, I used one as a sample to show everyone and we sold out of plaques before sign-up's were over!! Everyone loved them!
Don't worry though if you did not get yours last night I will be ordering more Monday morning so there will be plenty available for anyone who want's one.

As Bruce said, the track was a bit rough in spots, and needs a few touch up's but that is to be expected and we will be working on it as much as we can this week, depending on the availablity of the equipment.

Also, please understand that we can not always give notice as to when we will be working on the track sometimes it is very spur of the moment that we can get the equipment, but we do always appriciate any help that we can get, so if we don't specifically ask for help, but you have some free time and would like to come out, please call or email us and let us know when you are available, we will do our best to work our schedule to fit yours.

Thanks again to everyone who came out and supported us last night
and Thanks to all our volunteers, it was a great night because of you all!

Darrin & Diana
Deseret Peak BMX

JS on DP- 4-16-05

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:52 pm
by JasonStout
I rolled into DP about 6:15 p.m. expecting to find a track that needed a lot of work. From the sound of the emails, it sounded like it was under water and not ready. WHAT I FOUND WAS A MUCH IMPOVED DP TRACK!


The starting hill has some added cement behind the gate which made the starting slab of cement cleaner and easier to approach. Darrin mentioned he was going to continue to add cement downt he back side of the hill. Great addition!

The second obstacle is much smoother and sets you up for the first corner a lot better. The table and the triple are great. I need to learn how to ride them both better. My goal is to pedal manual the table, and double manual the triple. Right now I just bash over both of them!

The second corner is awesome! That really makes the rest of the track faster- especially the 10 pack same great shape!. Great job on getting that second corner bigger. I even high lowed Sunshine in the open main cuz there was room to do it! (before, that corner only held one or less!)

The sweeper is better than ever. Both sections need a little work-but they are the skeleton of a great last straight. The finish line was snake-like and curvy as usual. ;)


I passed on Wendy's and Mcd's on the way out because I heard of "some guy from town was gonna be cooking some authentic mexican food." I got el burrito con pollo and it was muy gostoso y grande! (That's spanish for the burrito con pollo and it was very gostoso and big! ;)) I washed it down with an orange carrot sobe'- my favorite! An excellent pre-race meal to the tune of $5.

Hey ya'll- keep this guy around by supporting his cooking and skip the fast food on the way out to the track! His food is worth the wait!

(Hola amigo! tu me puedes dar un burrito gratis por haber annunciado tu comida! :) Se que estoy sin verguenza!)


I spent most of my practice time getting my bike ready. I put on some 180mm cranks for kicks, and switched to my outdoor gear 43-15! (55.9
in.) The cranks seemed to get me going faster- but I was choppin wood the rest of the track. Thanks BOB for lending some tools. Sorry about your Ogden track!

I got 3 gates and 2 laps in. None of them full speed. I spent the week jumping my dirt jumper on trails, so I was shocked when I didn't have a shock on my landings- actually I had a shock- well a jolt when I landed which shocked me!..cuz i didn't have a shock....on my bike...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! ......moving right along!

Open moto was fun. I followed sunshine around for the qualifying spot. I took the rythmn- he took the pro set. I about fell on my head and vowed not to take the rythmn section until it was fixed. It was pro-set for me for the rest of night. (I cased the 2nd one 3/4 times)

I qualified first round and took first in open and class. Sunshine made me work for it in open- and Bruce was busy fighting of the 19x in class. B made some good ground on me in the 10 pack- he was much smoother then I was.

Darrin was nice to announce my new sponsor- and announced that I'm selling my specialized cruiser. Thanks Darrin.

Diana and Sarah- thanks for helping me find my keys!

I passed the fast food on the way home cuz the burrito was still with me!

Til next time


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:36 am
by greg
Cooks - really glad to hear that the plaques went over good. I have to agree with the other posts that the track is great, other then that rythme, but I have no rythme, so there ya go.

It was a great nite of racing, everyone seemed to be having fun, and asside from Spencer taco'ing his FREEKIN' brand new rim, I don't think it could have been much better.

Oh, and thanks goes out to Bruce for loaning Spencer your bike. I think Spencer thought it was pretty cool to be able to ride your bike. He looks up to you, for some odd reason (even if it is just an inch or two) lol.

DP Rythum fixed!

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:06 am
by D Cook
Ok all,
We went back out to the track Sunday Morning to get a few things that we forgot Saturday night, and while we were there we got word that if we wanted to use the equipment, now was the only time we would be able to for the next 2 weeks or so.... so Darrin fixed the first 3 bumps coming in to the rythum, he made them farther apart and re shaped them, it looks great, and he said it rides much better!

Check our webpage later tonight, all the results will be posted from Saturdays race.

See ya all on Saturday,

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:08 pm
by bnd
Thanks for going out on your day off guys, that section really needed some attention. Does this mean that the roller is off limits too? I ask because the pro-split section needed to be packed in too.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:32 pm
by D Cook
I am sure we can get the roller, (but I have been wrong before) and yea the pro section does need some work, but at this point until we can get water, rolling it won't make much difference, case in point, we rolled it Saturday before the race :?
now that it is raining today and through to wednesday we will see what happens, it seams latley like we have 2 choices Way too much water (from mother nature) or no water at all (thanks to it not being turned on yet, should have been but...)

Talk to you all later,

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:41 pm
by J Gallo
Here's a couple of my favorite pics:

Bruce Ritter

Todd Parry

Dakota Briggs with his new HRP Designs numberplate!

Jeremiah Fazzio

You can check out ALL of the pictures by CLICKING HERE!

Even though I couldn't put together a good enough lap to qualify against 3 other experts, I still had a great time!! It was just so nice to be back on an outdoor track!

Also, I did purchase one of the great plaques DPBMX is offering this year. I meant to get a picture posted before I left for CA, but ran out of time. I'll get it posted when I get back this weekend!