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HELP WANTED! $6 and hour to mow lawns w/ JS!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:59 am
by JasonStout
So I have like 50 lawns to mow each week.

I'm looking for help to mow some or all of these lawns. You'd be working with me for an hourly rate. Starts at $6.00/hr with quick raises as you learn the trade. Contact me for an interview.

Why did I post here?

BMXers have a habit to support- Cash is good!
BMXers know how to handle a mower- it's like a bike.
BMXers understand you can get really hurt if you do it wrong!
BMXers are usually in good physical condition- or at least want to be.
BMXers like to work outside and don't mind getting a little dirty once in a while!
BMXers are good company and fun people!


Jason Stout

JG- I hope this shameless advertisement isn't illegal or whatever. Delete it if it is. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:20 am
by J Gallo
BMXers are usually in good physical condition- or at least want to be.


I resemble that remark! :P :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:52 am
by Punk-Biker940
Sorry JS, I would be glad to help you but the thing is I've never worked a lawn mower(My brother mows our lawn). Maybe someday I will learn...