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DPBMX Weekend Information

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:15 am
by D Cook
Hi all,
Ok here is all the info for the weekend.

Friday - BMX Champ Camp 2-5:30 (If I can pull it off that is)

State Qualifier - Sign-up's 5:30-7:00 Racing asap (I will not be holding
sign-up's for anything other than an emergency, No exceptions! Please be on time!)

State Qualifier is a double points race the cost is $20.00 per person with no discounts and Trophys only!

Saturday - Grassroots clinic Sign-up's 9-10am clinic 10 to 1pm Cost $10.00 per person

Redline Cup Qualifier - Sign-up's 3 to 4:30pm Racing at 5:30pm Cost
$30.00 per person no discounts/trackbucks and Trophys only!

We need volunteers for Friday & Saturday! If you are willing and able to help, please sign up as a volunteer at the sign-up table, then I will be asigning places to work before the race, if you have a preference please put it next to your name on the volunteer sign up sheet.

If you have any questions please call Diana at 435-849-2440, this is the only number I will be answering!

The track is finished as of tonight, there will be a little lite grooming that needs to be done but nothing else!

Thanks, Mike Kelley for all your hard work the last few days to get the track in such great shape!

We hope to see everyone out tomorrow & Saturday, it should be a fun weekend!!
