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Grassroots Clinic and Champ Camp at Deseret Peak Aug5-6

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:23 am
by mackdaddy
Ok here is the info I have!!!
First off there is a Champ camp on Friday from 2-5pm
open practice 2-3pm
3pm Bike safety
3:30pm Nutrition
4pm Bike Maintenance
4:30pm Excerise
5pm history of BMX
Cost is $25 I believe.
I am teaching a 2 of the classes Jason Stout is teaching one!!

Sat is the Grassroots clinic
reg 9am to 10am
Clinic is from 10 to 1pm cost is $10
We will be working on turns, passing, gates, jumping, etc

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:14 pm
by JasonStout
I'm taking the lady to a concert that night! (We've had tickets for ages, so I better go!)

Bruce "the great historian" Ritter will be covering that Friday night class on the History of BMX!

(Bruce please confirm!)


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:44 pm
by bnd
Uhhh, sorry Jason, I'm going to the Stingers game that night with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a long time. Now maybe if soembody would of given me a weeks heads up instead of 3 days......doh!


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:39 pm
by Punk-Biker940
Is the Champ Camp for everyone?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:27 pm
by guest
Yes the Champ Camp is for everyone.
the cost has changed it is $5.00 per class.

I never could get anyone to confirm to do the bike
maintanance for me, and it sounds like we may not
have a BMX history class, however if someone could send
me some information, I would be happy to do the class

Thanks Jason for posting this for me I have been out of
touch for the last week and could not get things done soon


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:21 am
by JasonStout

Scroll down a few threads and look for the one titled

the history of bmx! actually Here!:

It's all there- just print it out, and read it! Maybe copy it and make handouts!

This is compliments of my sponsor VINTAGEBMX.COM!

Sorry Bruce dropped the ball as I told him to do this over 3 WEEKS AGO! (Bruce do you remember a phone call 3 weeks ago when I specifically asked you to do this, and you said you'd make a video? Don't give me this 3 days crap!)

'skiddin' buddy! Besides Diana has us covered!

Speaking of History- I'm out!

b- we'll settle this on the track in our next platforms only race!



Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:13 pm
by bnd
Yeah, yeah, I remember.......I remember saying I have a DVD I could loan out that has racing on it PLUS loaning out an OS DVD on top of it showing racing from the 70's(or something to that effect). I wasn't asked to do any speech or anything like that.

BTW, I talked to Diana today & volunteers are needed! for Saturdays race.
If your not racing & could help out, corner worker, ANYTHING would be appreciated. If Gallo doesn't show, an announcer is going to be needed to.


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:30 pm
by Jeremiah
i'll do it if know one else does it. Bruce what time are you going out to the track tomorrow because i wanna build that step up lip tomorrow before the race. if you could help that would be nice because i dont know how to run the roller. if you could call me tomorrow sometime at 687-0524 thanks,

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:01 am
by JasonStout
I won't be racing- but I'll be there for the derby and fireworks! I can volunteer at the race if you need me.

Let me know where you want me to work-announcing, corner, staging, or whatever!