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Utah State Championship Race?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:09 pm
by Guest
We just found out that rad canyon will be holding the State Championship race for the year 05" the date hasn't been determined yet, Im thinking the first or second week in sept. I just got to see what is going onas far as natonals? But as soon As we find out we will let everyone know.... Also what does everyone think about the way we gave out the trophys last year? does everyone think this is a very cool way to give out the trophy and the state championship number plates? l'm thinking instead of having just the 1-3 place come up to the podium, that we would have 1-8 or every on in the main event , kind of like the grands? if you have any ideas let me know so I can start getting everything ready.. Thanks Robert Anderson

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:37 pm
by bnd
How does the SCFinals get awarded? Rumor was that Vernal had the line on it this year.

IMO, the awards last year took waaaaaay too long, just award them normally then do the St. Champs alone w/ a group picture.


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:04 am
by Curtis Newkirk
How about the weekend of September 9th - 11th?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:02 pm
by Heather Allred
I guess everyone but Bruce will be showing up at the podium. :D It took a little bit longer that I would have liked for sure, but when you do something for the first time it always takes longer. I think it makes the kids feel like they are a part of something.
Just my 2 cents.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:50 pm
by Curtis Newkirk
I guess there are two sides, but I favor the longer award ceremony.

We had some guests at least years ceremony and it was obviously taxing on them. As soon as Bennett got his stuff, they split.

For the kids though, I know it was worth it. They seemed to really get into the ceremony and took pride in thier achievements.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:29 pm
by greg
sorry guys, I'll get off of the podium quicker this year. It was just my first time up there and I didn't want it to end. :D

I am of the same mind as Curtis. I don't mind the longer hoopla for the big races. It definately makes it more of an achievement if there is some pats on the back, flash bulbs going off, cheers, etc. I say make the kids feel like they did something, and for those not up there, make them want to be.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:05 am
by Darla
Being a State Champ is a big deal and those that worked hard to achieve that goal deserve to get the recognition. I thought last year with the podium and all the hoopla was great.

I like the podium idea.

See ya at the races,


Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:50 pm
by bnd
Hottie said -
I guess everyone but Bruce will be showing up at the podium.

IF I decide to race the SCFinals I know for a fact that I'll podium in one of my classes. 36+ expert has only 3 guys in it so I know I'll have 3rd secured for sure. 36-40 cruiser, alot tougher & I don't race my cruiser all that much anymore but I'm sure I'd have a good shot at 3rd.

....But I would have to show up & actually race for this to happen & since I don't chase the state title series anymore....So there!! :wink:

So can anyone answer my question about how the track is chosen to host the State finals?


Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:12 pm
by bmxmomof2racers
I'm not from Utah, but I can tell you how they choose what track gets the state finals. Every track is awarded 10 points for every new registration at their track and 5 points for renewals. The track with the most points by June 20 wins the state finals. That is how it was explained to me. Hope that helps!!! We are really bummed because we won't be hosting the state finals this year after Steve came and built such an awesome track. :cry: I guess we will have to work harder next year at making sure our renewals sign up at home!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:15 am
by JasonStout
How about a State Championship Final on a Saturday.....What do you say Utards?



One can always dream, eh?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:07 am
by DaveW
Saturday would be awesome. It would a bummer to chase the points throughout the year for nothing since I teach a sunday school class at the same time the races usually are on Sundays. Can we accomodate us Utah Church Going Nerds? Can I bribe someone? I'll bring lots of people.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:54 pm
by mackdaddy
I will discuss it with Robert tonight, however that means no one will be at the Double point race on Sun! :(
Gues we could try to run the whole thing on Fri and Sat
Let me discuss it with Robert and we will see

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:05 pm
by Guest
Holding the State race on Saturday would be great, if they hold the race in the evening on Saturday. During that time in September there are numerous BMX riders that also play football, Saturday's are game day you may lose a lot of riders to football!!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:44 pm
by bnd
Saturday night would be great because "guest" was correct, Vince, Mike Bailey & another friend all have football games in the morning/early afternoon. I would rather see some of these kids either be alittle tired for the race than seeing people miss the whole show because of church.

I vote for Saturday night.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:41 pm
by JasonStout
I wasn't even gonna race any SCQ's this year. The last 3 years I have race SCQ's only to miss the big dance. (My choice, I know......yada, yada....) If you're gonna race on the Sat., Please let me know soon so I can make arrangements to race the SCQ's that are left. I think that means by tonight ;)

Thanks again for possibly making my State Championship Finals participation dream a reality!

JS-Scooter of fuego!