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Rider Profile Page Updated!! Feedback Wanted

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 1:15 pm
by J Gallo
Well, I finally got a few minutes to get in and update the Rider Profile index page. Take a look and let me know what you think!!

New Rider Profiles Page

And to let you know, this is Phase 1 of 5 (or so). I first wanted to get the overall page updated (Check!). Next will be to do all the index images (if you have something specific you'd like on yours, let me know!). Then next will be something I thought would be pretty cool, I'd like to put images of current plates you run. For example, if you're a State Champion, I'll put a small blue state #1 plate under your name. Or if you're NAG #whatever, Redline #whatever, etc. You get the point.

Then the next couple things are better "automation" of the profile pages to make it quicker and easier to add and update profiles. I honestly didn't thing I'd ever get this many profiles, so I've been coding each of the pages by hand. With all the new and updated profiles coming in, I'll write a program to assist in those functions.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new format, I'll keep updating as I get time. And if you have any feedback about what I've posted, or suggestions you'd like to see, please let me know!!!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:36 am
by justinsbmxmom
I think it looks great!