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1st race @ Legacy, June 27th! Saturday night.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:05 pm
by bnd
It’s happening, legacy’s opener this Saturday night.
Registration 6-7pm, racing asap.


Re: 1st race @ Legacy, June 27th! Saturday night.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:50 pm
by bnd
The season opener for Legacy went off Saturday night, after a long month of busting ass, endless amounts of time dedicated to moving dirt, getting things in order behind the scenes, trying to get new volunteers signed on & what seemed to be a million other little things to deal with, the race went off with few issues.

Zach started the night off addressing the crowd introducing himself, the board members & our goto volunteers. He thanked the past leadership for their 2 years of service.
Things started off fine with the Strider race then the Big Ripper Open. After the Open race we got ready for the flag ceremony & that's where I screwed up. The plan was to play the National Anthem on the PA system. After I caught my breath from the Open, I ran up to the PA system & couldn't find my freaking Anthem song on my phone! I started stressing bad as time went on & I felt like the crowd was going WTH is going on? I finally punted & asked my 9yr old daughter to sing it on the fly. She was a bit nervous but stepped up to the plate & did the best she could, I was one proud Dad but pissed at myself.

The races started up & things looked to go about as smooth as they could. No drama, we tried to keep on a schedule to keep the show moving along in a timely manner. I think things worked out as well in the end. It seemed like everybody liked the track. The track is 920 ft' long but it seems longer due to the fact that your pedaling most of the way. I know I was gassed after a hard lap. We were looking to be wrapped up by 9pm but ended around 9:30 & didn't turn off the lights till after 10pm.
Overall a very busy night but we felt like it was successful. Next race is in 2 weeks. Here are also some random thoughts.......

- I'd would like to thank the people who stepped up & helped us out on the track. Some of these volunteers had never done it before & some had never been to a BMX race before, incredible! The finish line ladies, the staging ladies, the corner workers.....THANK YOU!

- My wife helped out at the shack during the mains handing out trophies. She said it was one of best experiences she's ever had at a race. She saw the excitement & shear happiness kids & 1st timers showed as they got their trophies.

- I didn't have my phone on me before & during registration & missed a lot of messages & phone calls for people running late from Rad. I'll keep my phone on me for now on & if your running late, I'll help you out.

- We WILL have the big doubles going by next race. They actually were ridable. I should of made the crowd aware of that.

- The Big Ripper Series race.
It did not disappoint one bit. It was nice seeing some regulars plus some new faces I have never seen before.
We had 2 racks & this was the first time in 5-6 years I have raced a 20". It was a handful at times but overall, I was pretty confident I could race it without killing myself. 1st moto, I had Zach next to me & it was a great drag race down the first straight & I was able to hang with him around the track. My confidence was very high & I told myself I'm winning the main.
The main comes up, full doesn't get any better or exciting IMO racing BMX! I get lucky & draw the "X" ping pong ball & promptly kick Zach out of lane 1 & he ends up in 8. Gate drops & I'm feeling great, good snap, got my NorCal pull going, get over the first roller &....huh, WTH? who's that pulling in the middle? Freaking Alvey & he's just smoking the dragstrip. As the table approaches, it's full on butt pucker hitting it as things tighten up going into the 1st corner. Zach shows his skills and settles into 2nd draped all over Alvey. Going into the 2nd corner, Alvey manuals it as Zach & I jump it. Alvey is road blocking around the corner, slowing Zach down & it was all I could do not to take out Zachs rear wheel. Going down the 3rd straight we are all pretty much tight single file all the while I hear guys right on my ass. Going into the last corner I'm feeling confident that Alvey is going to poop out & I'll pull Zach....nope, Alvey has the juice to hold off Zach & take the win. I wasn't happy with myself & totally stoked for Doc.
Later as we went to the shack to take his picture with the big trophy, I think the moment finally sank in with him & he realized this was the high point in his 40 yr BMX career! I have never seen this guy smile & laugh some much. This is what I love about bmx, you can get away from your real life issues for a moment & just be a guy who did good on their bike on any given day.
Points are updated on

- Again, thanks for all the support, the heavy lifting is done so it's time to enjoy the sport & have fun.

Thanks for reading,