Legacy needs your help this weekend!

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Legacy needs your help this weekend!

Postby bnd » Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:59 pm

I stopped by the track on the way home today & took these pictures. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words so you don't need to be a genius to see that the track needs ALOT of attention.
It was flooded last week & it's looking like it's going to be workable come this Saturday.



It just so happened Kevin Dilly was sitting out there when I stopped in, manning the water pumps. We talked & I told him I would do my best to spread the word that they need help this weekend, ALOT OF IT!

I know people are busy but if you have even a few hours please stop in & help. Pick up weeds, pick a jump & buff it out, anything!
I have zero time this weekend but I'm making time Sunday to come out & help. Bringing Platform Vinnie & maybe a few others. I'm stressing the point to the BMX community to please show up & give some back to a great program.

Kevin says check the Legacy Facebook page for times to show up this weekend.

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Re: Legacy needs your help this weekend!

Postby bnd » Sat May 03, 2014 5:35 pm

I just heard that hardly & I mean hardly NOBODY has shown up to help, are you kidding me?!

Now I understand people living in Utah County but anything North it's 30 minutes away. Yeah, people are busy, we are all busy but you don't have 1 day to give back the sport? Really???

The guys are putting together a great track & would like to get it in ship shape for the opener next Saturday. If you have a few hours to help out that would be awesome.
I'm going out tomorrow around 11am and dragging 2 dudes that don't even race!

Please help out, thanks.

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Re: Legacy needs your help this weekend!

Postby bnd » Sun May 04, 2014 6:11 pm

A few helpers showed up today and some solid work was put in.
Got to hand it to the guys for busting out a good looking track. Props to Kev for taking my suggestions and letting me go with it.
The track will be a solid intermediate track.
Depending on the water situation, the track could be up and running for next Saturday night.

“Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.”

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