I met with the Cooks at 9am this Saturday morning (5th) & we went to work. The track was covered with tumbleweeds & weeds. We spent hours removing them from the fenceline & about half the track. You would not believe how many weeds there are there. Some jackass rode his MX on the track but the damage isn't as bad as it could of been.
Here are the changes going on this year.
1st straight - the triple step-up going into the 1st turn has (already) been changed into a pretty easy step jump that has a very forgiving top & landing to it. Depending on the speeds reached, Darrin might put a small roller in the middle of the straight. The step jump shoud be very easy to clear if you want to jump it.
2nd straight - Just a simple make-over, nothing changes.
2nd turn - Darrin has already turned that pup into a HUGE berm that is probebey bigger than the 1st turn one. He took out the last 15 or so feet of it & tightened it up. It is big & I can already see that "follow the leader" through there is bye-bye. A few new lines are created with this beast. Very nice.
3rd straight - We added 4 buckets of dirt to the front & backside of the first jump going into the 10-pak. The jump is now at the same level as the others & alittle more strecthed. Should get you more speed from the get-go. The rest is unchanged other than a quick make-over.
Now here's the big change......
Darrin ran the loader to the right of the 10-pak & dug down 2-3ft" all the way down the line, leveled it off & its primed for a "Pro section" or whatever. The Cooks were asked to create something like this & they are doing it but it's not going to happen until the last work weekend AFTER the rest of the track is finished. Should be a fun section & I'm leaving myself out of this build, but I do ask that whatever goes in there should be realistic, not a section for 5 riders in the whole state to be able to clear. The pro section has also got to be able to transition onto the last double going into the last turn, so keep that in mind.
Last turn sweeper - Unchanged.
Last straight, decision maker - Unchanged other than re-facing the big jumps & giving a good makeover.
Last straight, rythem section - Darrin is going to change the first part of the rythem so it flows better & change up the last half. A good touch-up will be in order too.
We got about, I'd say a 1/3 of the changes done today but there is still alot to do, not as much as last year but still alot. I talked with the Cooks at length today & they both have great attitudes about this season & are excited for it to start. I know there have been things said in the past (& present) basically "BMX political bullcrap" that needs to be forgotten about & for everybody to move on. Iv'e decided I'm going to make it out to every work party weekend for the next 3 Saturdays. I'm putting out the word that if you care about your local scene, please come out & help, even for a few hours. It would make a HUGE differance out there as it was just basically Darrin & I, with Diane helping where she could. If we could get a more than 6 people out to help next week, we would have that track ready to ride the following weekend.
The Cooks are providing free food & drinks next weekend, which reminds me. They secured a deal where this dude who owns a Mexican food joint is going to be running/selling Mexican food at every racenight this year!!
This is what I envision over the next 3 weekends.
March 12. Pull weeds & get them gone. Fill potholes from the rain. Buff out the 2nd berm with a 4-wheeler. Start in on the rythem section.
March 19. Fill potholes. Finish rythem section. Reface the last straight jumps. Drag the track.
March 26. Drag the track & put finishing touches on anything that needs it.
Build the new "Pro section".
Remember, A few people makes all the differance in the world.
Support your local scene!
Here's the Lowdown on Deseret peak BMX.
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