
Anything and everything about the Utah BMX scene.

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Postby TripleBz » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:55 am

I just completed my first race last week and had a great time. I am in the 36-41 novice class. I made it to mains but quickly found out that I cant keep up with those guys that have been in there for awhile. I feel pretty good the first half of the race but the second half my endurance takes a big hit.

I would like to train a little between now and the next race in January and am curious what type of training you all suggest since it is winter.


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Re: Training

Postby sixstringsteve » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:33 am

I have the same issue. I'm curious about the responses you'll get. I'm a total novice, so take this advice with a grain of salt.

Jonas will say cardio, cardio, cardio. He'll recommend the treadmill/eliptical.

It's tough, but if you can find a place to get out and ride your bike where there isn't ice/snow, that's a good start. I can say that after 5 races I'm still tired after the race, but now I get tired on the last straight, not the second straight. So it does get better. :mrgreen:

I'm thinking of hitting a pump track on saturday afternoon (draper or eagle mounting) if you want to join me.

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Re: Training

Postby jnasty » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:52 am

Yeah its no secret that I love the treadmill in the winter, and the pavement in the summer. but running isnt for everyone. You can get cardio in many different ways, so get out there hit the bike, stationary bike, elliptical, treadmill, indoor track, or the indoor skatepark. Nothing beats bike time, and the more comfortable you feel on your bike, the better you will feel around the track, and you will be amazed at how much energy is saved when you are comfortable on the rig.

As far as training, well I cant be giving out a bunch of secrets online, but am happy to talk with you at the races. If you are going to maybe hit the gym/trainer, get one that knows how to ride a bike, or has ridden around a BMX track, then they will truly understand what it takes to do our sport. I would recommend pure workout of SLC. Aron is one of the owners and he has been out to the track and actually rides a bike.

Come find me at the GT tent and we can discuss further, or hit me up via email

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Re: Training

Postby onephastkiss » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:34 am

Last edited by onephastkiss on Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Training

Postby bnd » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:58 pm

As a novice I would suggest the more ride time the better. In the winter that can be tough, being a parent can be even tougher, juggling life & all.
One of my go to spots to ride & be able to make it work with my family is the Sunday mornings at the Cottonwood skatepark. As long as there is no snow on the ground it is open. It's open from 7-11am for BMX only. Of course that never happens but generally this time of year, if you get there by 9:30am you can have the whole place to yourself for hours. I have been there when it was in the 20's but clear. I carve the place up working on my sprints, endurance, pumping corners & some jumping. it's the perfect place to get some solid ride time in.

Here is a cam video I took 4 years ago, you get the idea of what lines I'm using. The audio got yanked by YouTube & yes, that's the Newkirks at the end. ...

“Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.”

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Re: Training

Postby Skew » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:17 pm

onephastkiss wrote:A

uuhhh . . . onephast don't know what happened to the rest of your post, but if you ever wanted to do a group training event with bmx'ers I'm sure that many here would be very interested, myself included. Sounds like from your original post it would be definitely worth our time.

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Re: Training

Postby jakesteiger » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:46 am

Hey guys I've been watching all your posts for the last month or so and just love all your excitement. Myself I am in the 36 - 40 I group and just moved there 6 months ago. I love riding my bike and can't wait to get back to the track. My work has had me out of town for the last 3 weeks and had to miss the last 2 weekends of racing.

Ok now to this post, I finally got fed up with my riding and my stamina the last race of the outdoor season. I decided that it was time for me to lose some weight and get in shape. I started going to a gym that was recommended to me by B2 (Brent Barton) and Jnasty mentioned it up above as well. Pure Workout is a gym here in the valley that will kick your butt and will get your mind set were it needs to be. Aaron the owner came out to the COG clinic and just loved it. I have been working out at the gym everyday for 3 months now except for the time that I have been out of town, and I can honestly say that I would have never lost the 35 lbs I lost without them. Check them out at it is the best thing that I have ever done and will continue to do.

My name is Jake Steiger and if you aren't a friend of mine on facebook give me a shout. I try to become friends with all my bmx buddies.

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Re: Training

Postby Jackie » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:42 pm

I will throw my 2 cents in as well. First no magic pill, machine, or gym you have to put in the work. With bmx interval training will work both speed and endurance. You can do intervals on the treadmill , elliptical, spin bike etc. Warm up and get into a steady pace, then elevate your effort for bursts of 2-4 minutes then return to your steady pace recover and repeat. For bmx you have to be able to hold a anerobic threshold for 40-45 seconds therefore you need to train to get you body used to it. I highly recommend spin classes to work both endurance and speed. Nothing replaces true bike time but if you get creative you can replicate a lap on a spin bike by doing intervals . Another option while doing intervals on treadmill ump off after your sprint and do 50 body squats to simulate the roller section the jump back on for a steady recovery and repeat.

Always warm up, cool down and hydrate.

It is not about perfection rather progression so start slow and then steadily increase. Clean food and proper rest will see great results
Follow the fanny pack to the finish

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