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Heads Up-Kincaid Hansen

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:20 pm
by ZDM
For those that know Kincaid and already haven't already heard, he had a wicked crash at the skatepark this weekend.

Details are sketchy, 'cause his short term memory is fried, but the end result was a broken helmet, a neck brace, loss of short term memory, black eyes, and most likely a serious concussion. I haven't spoken to Kristi or Andrew, but Kincaid's Aunt said he is out of the hospital but is on a really short leash as far as what he can do.

Re: Heads Up-Kincaid Hansen

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:03 am
by joker75
I saw Kincade at the track last night. He is in pretty good spirits considering what happened. What I was told was that he hit a jump and pretty much face planted the landing. His face is pretty scratched up, but doesn't look like anythinf that won't heal with time. His helmet is grenaded. The foam is totally blown out of the front of it. Andrew said that wants him off of his bike for 4-6 weeks. Kincade was not wearing a neck brace last night.

Hopefully all will go well as he continues to heal.