34 Expert/Cruiser class

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34 Expert/Cruiser class

Postby BMXER4LIFE » Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:13 pm

Hello, everyone. It's been a few years since my last race but I'm feeling the fever once again. I was just wondering what the classes are like nowadays. Does the 34 year old expert/ cruiser class have good turnout?

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Postby bnd » Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:21 pm

The turnout comes & goes, right now during the winter the turnouts are pretty good in those classes & are only going to get better. Come out in 2 weeks for the next indoor races.


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Postby J Gallo » Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:03 pm

I'll be back into the 31-35 cruiser class soon. I just need to re-gear my cruiser!!
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Postby Hardys » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:50 pm

The 28 & over x class is usually good. We will have a couple more guys in the class that are turning expert soon. We also get graced with the presence of some of the 20 year old x's as well. We've been known to have dang near full gates on occasion.(20 year olds included) It would be nice to have another 28 & over dude. This year indoor promises to be pretty good. 31-35 cruiser looks good as well. Not as many but the comp is good! :) Rich

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Postby sspencer » Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:45 am

Does this mean you will be out at the races, RIDING? I hopw so bud, we miss ya'.

We do have a great group of older riders, when they all show up :P
Greg "The Champ" Prawitt
Brandon Smith
Jason Melton
Rick Eglintine
Mike Kelley
Dan Patterson
Matt Spencer
Bruce Ritter
Bryan Oblad
Rich Hardy
Jason Gallo
Ian Elliott
Jason Stout
Mike Treadway
Troy Tippets
Dean Ludlow
Mark Navoni
Rusty Wright
Troy Lupcho
Wade McPherson
Steve Spencer

I am sure I left some others out but there is three gates of riders right there.



Postby Ammo_Dawg » Tue Jan 11, 2005 10:01 pm

You can add 1 more to that list. I'll be at any BMX race I can find within a 200 mile radius for the month of May and then a "regular" in the 28+ & 31-35 cruiser come September. Patiently waiting for the Great Salk Lake National. You guys have fun and I'll see you in May.


p.s.- GREAT job in Reno Steve! You must share your secret sometime.

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Postby sspencer » Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:07 am

Thanks Lee! We look forward to having you back in Utah. Be safe and thank you for your patriotism!

Take care,

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Postby mackdaddy » Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:01 pm

I will have to second Steve's post!!!!
Thanks Lee for your service!!!
Jason Melton
Overland Group

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