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Great Northwest Nationals - Report/Results.

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:31 am
by b2 ... =nationals

Looking through the results we see that our Utah BMXers are faired well after the Friday night pre-race.

Podium finishes include:
Christian Martinez with a 3 in A Pro!
Brenlee Fordham with a 1!
Brighton Alvey with a 2 in class and cruiser.
Ethan Alvey with a 2 in a cruiser class made up of mostly Utahns and a 3 in class.
Justin Alvey with a 1!
Chris Clift with a 3.
Jack Kelly with a 2.
Tyler Baker with a 2.
Clancy Welsh with a 1.

Not to mention good showings from Alex Clift, Kale Tanner, Tyler Black, Drexton Robinson, Zach Haymond, Jake Eglintine, Zach Jimenez, and Billy Schuler sounds like he had a interesting time getting to the track in time to race 2nd moto, qualify for the main and got tangled up and finished 7th in the main.