Show some respect ok?

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Show some respect ok?

Postby bnd » Wed Nov 18, 2009 9:37 am

I took this off of V this morning. Last race I noticed alot of people still won't take a minute to pay respect to our flag & nation. How adults can walk right past Geddo during this without blinking an eye is beyond me.

Quote -
I assume all tracks play the National Anthem before the start of a local race...usually during the parade lap.

It seems that often, some kids and adults alike dont take this very seriously, at least what I've seen in four years. I've seen them leave hats on, not putting their hands over their hearts, yakking away about whatever etc.

It may seem trivial...but the right to play that anthem, to fly that flag, to be able to do something like hang out on a Saturday night and do something like race BMX came at a high price....a price that is STILL being paid in places far away from here.

Remind your kids...and remind yourself...when that song begins to play and that flag comes out, stop talking for ONE minute about what so and so will do in the motos, take off the damn ball cap, put your hand over your heart and pay attention for ONE minute to what we all need to hold most dear...

IF you take being an American seriously....this is NO big deal....if it's too much trouble for you...your priorities are skewed.

God Bless America

“Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.”

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