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Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:23 pm
by JasonStout
At the last outdoor race of the year down here in sunny Dixie- I broke my collar bone, and 3 ribs.

I've never broken major bones before (Just fingers and toes).

Any of you with experience in this, what do you suggest? Surgery-or just let it heal? Also-What do you do with broken ribs?

(I also have 3 race cruisers for sale if anyone needs a great bike for not very many dollars. 100% of the purchase cost goes toward paying my hospital bills for the wreck.)

PM for details.

Jason Stout

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:24 pm
by bnd
Dude, answer your phone!

- There were two older racers that broke their collarbones this summer & they seemed to bounce back from them in fairly short order. If you heal fast like Mike, he was back on his bike & on the track after 2 months. The ribs, don't knwo what to tell you. Also, vitamins & plenty of C.

- The rumor is that you are starting or taking over a soon-to-be ABA track down there, true or false?

- What was the fallout with the fire at your friends place this summer?


Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:07 pm
by McCauley
That Bites......Collar bone will heal itself if not a serious break....broke mine in late 90's
ribs not a thing you can do other than tough it out have them checked to make sure there also healing right ..broke 7 late August now back on the track
Good Luck

Take Care McCauley

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:10 am
by Lee_Geddings
Hey JS...I broke my collar bone back in July 04. Mine was pretty bad and it took 6 weeks until I was able to even snap out of the gate again. Trust me, you'll know when you are ready to race again. When you can take a gate without it feeling like your arm is going to fall off or you hand is going to pull from your grip, then you are are ready to start riding again. When you do heal, you'll have that nice egg size lump where you bone grew back together. :D The ribs is another story...I've never broken ribs so I don't know how long that will take. I hope you heal and are able to get back on the track soon.

Take care,


Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:00 pm
by JasonStout
b, you got my new number?

False- I'm not taking over any track down here. I hardly ride at all.

Thanks for the tips on healing.

Jason Stout

(one handed typing....)

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:51 pm
by sparkoli2
call melton he is famous for the collar bone. as far as ribs go. tape them up and go for it. get some shark cataliage from the health store. next double up on your calcium. your old enough now you should be taking it daily. :D it will take a while for the pain to leave when u take a deep breath. sorry dude time is all you can do

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:01 pm
by mhp800
JasonStout wrote:b, you got my new number?

False- I'm not taking over any track down here. I hardly ride at all.

Thanks for the tips on healing.

Jason Stout

(one handed typing....)


Its time you step up to the plate and run this track . Old Fred cant do it all .

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:43 pm
by b2
Dude. I gotsa big frowny face for you! :(

Heal up quickly and come back strong!

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:08 pm
by Jackie
I broke my collarbone in 3 places and was on a 10 week repair cycle. I am a big fan of the chest protector to help gaurd the collar bone ( did not wear one when I broke it ) as I have had similar crashes since and have come out uninjured. I agree you will know when you are healed and have full range of motion. be patient and listen to the Doc. Good luck on your recovery

Re: Crashing Sucks!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:53 pm
by joker75
Hey there Jason. I'm sorry to hear about your injuries. I broke my collar bone and two ribs in May. Like has been said before, other than having them checked to make sure they are healing OK there is not much you can do about the ribs. The collar bone is a little bit diferent story. The orthopedic surgeon I saw for my collar bone told me that they have made huge improvements in surgery for collar bones, but the majority of the time they will just heal by themself. You just need to keep it in a sling for a few weeks, and take it easy for about 6 weeks before you start slowly working it back to normal.

Good luck with the healing and I'm sure we all look forward to having a member of the family back out on the track.
