New and Improved Poll - Sorta :)

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J Gallo
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New and Improved Poll - Sorta :)

Postby J Gallo » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:55 am

Well, there is nothing more in this world that can bring me so much frustration and joy (other than my kids :P ) than this website.

I love programming because it's always a challenge. From the simplest of tasks to those that I've never tried before. But this poll program was driving me nuts over the weekend. I started with a couple housekeeping issues to clean up and streamline the code a little bit, which went well. Then I began to write the code to oversee the "security" issue of gross multiple voting.

To make a long story short, there were 2 ways to prevent multiple voting. After working on the 1st way for about 2 hours, it still wouldn't work the way I wanted it too. So I left the house for awhile to clear the head. I got back and started working on the 2nd way. Well that didn't go well either, but after about 3 hours, I finally figured out where my logic was skewed and got it to work.

So after all that, you probably won't notice any difference at all in the program :) LOL. Except that now you can only vote a certain number of times. Maybe this will enhance the integrity of the poll, maybe it won't. But in the end it's all about fun. So hopefully my frustration and time spent in the dungeon that is my basement will increase your enjoyment of the website.

Anyway, let me know how it works, and try to cheat!! See if you can vote more than 3 times (from the same computer), I dare you!! :) So far it seems to be working well because I know of 1 person that has voted 7 times and it didn't change the poll count after 3.

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions let me know. Thanks for your support!
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Curtis Newkirk
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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:15 pm

Good work Jason. I guess it is a good thing I am an IT guy and have lots of computers at my disposal ;)

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