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I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:37 pm
by bnd
I'm heading back down south to finish up that job in Hurricane. I'm leaving Sunday afternoon & hoping to be able to go home Wednesday afternoon but if something comes up & I have to stay one more night I'll ride over to the track for some practice. I'd be great if I could get in there MondayTuesday night & ride but I don't jump fences anymore. :wink:
So maybe you'll see me at the track.


Re: I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:42 pm
by mhp800
Chicken :mrgreen: Park in the back and then jump the fence . :lol:

Re: I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:56 pm
by bnd
Serious? Nobody is going to shoot me will they?


Re: I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:54 pm
by mhp800
No ones going to shoot you . But if anyone ask just tell them Jason Stout said its okay LOL . No if any one comes buy tell them you have been there many times and it has allways been open . It seem they never want the riders to get better down there . A race every other week and some times 2 weeks off is not good .

Re: I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:33 am
by JasonStout
If you're a vandal- you should have no problem. If you're a racer- you may have trouble getting in. (Seriously- no sarcasm in that statement)

Thanks for all you do Brian and Mike! Without you, we wouldn't have a track to ride! (Seriously- no sarcasm in that thanks. )

So Bill- what do you do if you wanna ride bmx here in St. George?

FYI-I'm playing a tennis tourney this weekend. The courts are available anytime you wanna improve your game. Tennis really thrives in St. George. Did you know- you can play outdoor tennis year round? When it gets hot- you just play at night or early morning under the lights. Amazing isn't it? They have all sorts of people who take advantage of the great weather here, and they produce a lot of great tennis players from Dixie. I'm looking forward to all of the time I'll have on the court this weekend. It's my first tourney- I'm kind of nervous, but I'll be playing a bunch of novices like me. I'll post in the race reports how it goes.


Re: I'll be back down in Hurricane this upcoming Sunday.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:37 pm
by JasonStout
The tennis tourney has been cancelled...

....It's a race weekend! I'm so pumped to go racing!