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Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 2:05 pm
by bnd
Looks like this is going to happen......................

Now, is the BMX track going to be on the same site or near by? If it was on the same site that would be awesome & get alot of publicity for the BMX side of things. Sounds like this complex is going to be sweet.
Davis County, any thoughts?


Re: Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:27 am
by Trunions
The BMX track will not be on the same site as the Velodrome. It will be near by though, from what I get out of the article just a few miles away. The BMX track is going to be just off of 24th street and A Ave. in Ogden. I think the Velodrome is going to be off of 21st street and Wall, I think.

Re: Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:56 pm
by bmxchris73
will this track be up next spring/summer?

Re: Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:03 am
by greg
I've been watching the progress of this for quite some time now, and it seems that it has really gotten it's legs in the last few months.

The Ogden City Major has fairly recently gotten fully behind this project, USA cycling has endorsed it promising some perks when it is completed, but I think there is still some major financial hurdles that need to be figured out. As the article states, about $100,000 is coming from Ogden, but the rest of the $13 mil is privately funded and they're still looking the last I heard. Of course I'm not on the inside or anything, so it may already be a done deal, just not released yet.

*side just kills me that velo can get 13 mil.......and BMX???? what are we doing wrong!

Anyway, if anybody is interested in keeping closer track of this, there is a users group that they post news on.

Re: Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:40 am
by paul
Another Vapordrome!
Nearly every major city in the US has a Velodrome Association, they almost never get built for a few reasons. One is overplanning for the reality of the support they'll get. They could build an outdoor veldrome for probably under a $million . Finding that extra 12.9 million they're missing will be hard if not impossible in this economy. One thing in their favor right now is the popularity of fixed gear bikes in the hipster crowd. In many markets, they are the fastest selling bikes at retail.

I would love to have a velodrome-Ill be racing the first miss and out if they build it, but I would bet a bmx track will be built before the velodrome.

An interesting note. Both the Salt Palace, and Salt Air, had velodromes in the early 1900s when 6 day racing was popular.

Re: Ogden Velodrome. BMX track on same site?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:39 am
by greg
I remember seeing a model of the old Salt Palace (in the newer Salt Palace) and how it had a track inside. I always thought it was pretty cool when i was a young kid to think of riding on those banked turns. Looks kind of boring to me now, but I guess all cycling has it's place (which is why I try to keep abreast of different cycling).

I guess Utah was a major player at the turn of the century for cycling???? Article I read may have been biased, but it sounded like there was a pretty big following here locally.

I hear what you're saying about projects drying up. Financing will be a very difficult part of this, as it is with most sport endeavers. I just cant see that big of investments unless the velodrome is coupled with many more diverse activities at the complex. I wish them luck though.