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1996 Golden Spike BMX. Doug Callor breaks his forks. *video*

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:45 pm
by bnd
Well after promising Doug forever that I had footage of this accident & would show him one day, I guess here it is.....barely.

Golden Spike was Steve Spencers track in Ogden(?) at the fairgrounds there. This night Doug showed up & I noticed a few things about him. He was fast, really fast. He was running a Kasten Strut on his bike, not a fork. It had a special hub that bolted onto the end of the 1-legged strut. I knew those had been recalled in the early 90's & it seems to me I mentioned the fact to him but I didn't know the guy so it was in passing. I think he was from Colorado too.

Anyways from the motos I could tell he was probebly the fastest that night & when the gate dropped down for the main, he got the pop & pulled. I just remember him & Steve jumping the big dubs down near the end of the first straight & hearing a loud bang! & a cloud of dust. I was able to miss the carnage & pull a 2nd place (wearing my mtb tights!). As soon as the race was over, Steve ran over to the crash as did I, actually I walked & saw that Doug was really jacked up. They carted him away & that was the last I ever saw of him up until last year when he started racing indoors. I recognized the name & sure enough, it was Doug.
Maybe he can chime in here & give you more details. ... breaks.wmv

Sorry for the crappy footage, I think my nephew was manning the camera that night & he was probebly 13 or so.


Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:03 pm
by jnasty
Ha, I remember that fella, he had a killer snap. that video is great I was there at that race, Matt Huff in the mix as well representing good ol' Price. Classic racing there, nice tights!


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:34 pm
by dajama5
WOW!! that one hurt. Story is I had a uniblade strut, fork whatever you want to call it. and it broke as i came down from those big doubles. I was just returning from a 5 year break from BMX when this happened. I grew up with Matt Huff in good old Price Utah and He is the one that got me back into it. I had just moved back from Colorado and I didnt have my gear as you can tell with the sweet sweat pants (at least I wasnt wearing tights). Anyway I didnt know that my fork had been recalled until about two motos before the main event when Bruce said " hey didnt they recall those forks" then he touched the point where they were breaking and said " they break right here" sure enough they broke at that spot. now you know why Bruce is known as the information minister. I was knocked out cold for a while and when I woke up I knew what happened. I walked off on my own power, shook it off and raced class. I snapped and had the pull when I realized I had the same type fork on my 20". Not wanting to repeat the face plant I shut it down in the first straight. I spent the next three hours in the emergency room taking x-rays.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:12 pm
by bnd
You raced after that crash!?
I must of left right after the cruiser main.

I look back on the trends in BMX over the years & in the mid-90s when Mt. biking was really the thing to do, some of us were wearing lycra head to toe including a Mtb helmet. I have some footage of me decked out that way that I won't post, it's just too goofy.

I didn't know Matt Huff. What's he doing these days? I have plenty of footage with him in it.
Also, I'm riding the heck out of your rollers, thanks!


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:25 pm
by dajama5
I know it wasnt the smartest thing to do but I raced class anyway. I think it was a month or so after that I was racing at rad and crashed again. the same lady that picked me up in Ogden was there to pick me up again. The look on her face was priceless. I left out some of the story as to why she looked at me funny so here it goes. when I woke up everybody was freaking out, including my sister. I was fine. I had been knocked out plenty of times to know what it felt like and how to handle it. it hasnt affected me though. i was driving down the street, wait i forgot what I was talking about , oh yeah the crash. two people were holding my arms and the EMT lady was a little excited to say the least. so I rolled my eyes back in my head leaned back on the guys that were holding me and made these noises like I was passing out or somthing and she started freaking out "call 911 we're losing him, we're losing him". then I starting laughing and finally got her calmed down. so she had a few choice words for me at rad, I apologized again!

Matt is still in Price. he was out last year at indoor and he sat with us all day Sat, at the nationals here. That was the last I have seen of him.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:37 pm
by crash
You mean tights like this guy? (Dacono 07 Mile High National) Sorry but I am not that sylish. Good old leathers for me. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:14 am
by JasonStout
Just imagine the guy in green wearing that!

Oh Socko!


Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:58 am
It's scary what sponsors will make you wear, but I heard that argyle is making a huge comeback, hmmmmm.....

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:28 pm
by crash
I hear that the top UCI pros are wearing these and that this is the future for everyone who wants to be fast.
Melton? will you be the first. :lol: :cry: :twisted:
I hear Arielle tried one in china?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:36 am
by Curtis Newkirk
What-like-ever! Lycra skin suits are the future of BMX. Once BMX'ers figure out that clipless pedals make them go fast, the next thing they will figure out is that lycra does too! No more bulky clothing to get in your way and you stay cool and covered (as the rules state you must).

I don't know who the dude on the #48 bike is, but I can tell that is a Pro Cruiser race with Kenth Fallen and Paulie Lange on the gate. Kenth, an awesome dude from Albuquerque, is #11 on his right, and Paulie is #4 on his left. This is not a slouch gate, but this unknown rider hung in there. Must have been the lycra!


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:45 am
by JasonStout
It is the future...

..I'm sure we'll see it in the olympics and the races leading up to it.

Don't you have to wear that suit to be a super-hero anyway? All the other olympians do!!


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:15 pm
by b2
If Lycra's the future, I think I'm content to kick it old skool.