cant we all just have more BMX in the world
Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 10:12 am
I have a question to pose to all of you. This may turn into a long post, but I’ll try to stay to the point.
Sometime back the Cook’s asked us all what could be done to improve racing at their track. Well, I believe in my email to them, I may have went beyond what they were looking for. As I was going over things that could be done to improve racing, a few inescapable things kept coming into my head. Yea, a nice track is important, decent music is nice, pit bike racing is fun, etc, etc……but to me, racing BMX is about RACING. The first and foremost thing that makes it great is the racing…which means competition. So, what do you do to foster more competition, and varied competition? I really only have two sources for reference, me and my son Spencer, so I asked both of these highly intelligent individual for some input. Spencer happened to come up with the obvious answer first….get more riders out to the tracks. “It sucks when you race the same guys over and over, or when you show up and you don’t have a class”, Spencer’s word’s, not mine. So I posed a few follow-up questions to him……..”what do you do to get more kids out there?”.........”I don’t know”…………. ”can you talk to more kids about racing?”…… ”I talk about it all the time, but hardly anyone even knows what BMX racing is, and if they do know, they don’t know that you can race here, that there is a track right down the street from them.” OK, so as I suspected, it’s not the fact that the music needs to be changed, or that kids want to race pit bikes (all of which I have no problem with, by the way. Improvements at the tracks are good, too). This type of thing just is not going to drive up memberships and attendance. What is? I know it is too obvious, and has been said sooooo many times before, but we have to get the word out to a target age group. My opinion is between the ages of 8 and 14 are prime targets to focus on. I fume every time I drive past 6200 south and 2700 west and see 5 or more banners hung on fences for sports programs……skiing, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, lacross for gods sake, even art classes……….but do you think there is one for BMX….NO!!! My kids bring home flyers from school all the time for programs…jr. jazz, wrestling, football camps, baseball camps, lacross for gods sake, and even art classes…no BMX. It just seems to me that we are all missing the obvious way to advertise, and the more obvious way of getting more kids (not to mention their dads) out to try BMX. A little flyer sitting on the corner of a bike shop counter just is not going to get the word out to the masses. So, what can I do to help? I’m not one for just pointing out the obvious and then sitting back and expecting others to do the work. I have a difficult time getting to the tracks to help with grooming and whatnot, but maybe I can help in advertising. Does anyone have any suggestions to help formulate a plan to present to the TO’s? Or if the TOs are reading this, what do you think?
Now, onto something that I already have the ball rolling. You may remember last year at the end of the outdoor season, I did a little give-away of a redline bike and a supercross frame. Well, I thought it would be fun to continue this in some way, so I have started contacting a few companies to get donations. I may be counting my chickens, as they say, but I think I have a good line on a couple of frames and bars from a major manufacturer that happens to sponsor a local pro. I intend to add at least one complete bike to this from other sources, if all works out like I plan. But, instead of just giving the stuff away, I thought it would be good to tie it into attendance, a membership drive, and racing at multiple tracks. This is what I come up with, and please give me input as to what you think of it. Honest input would be good. If it is just stupid, or you think it wont help, or you come up with a better way to accomplish what I want, then let me have it.
1) It’s based on a punch card system. There will be cards at various local tracks (to be determined later), the rider picks one up when he/she races and gets it punched. It takes five punches to fill a card. But, to have the card be valid, it will have to be validated by at least two tracks. You cant just race Rad Canyon and get a valid card. You have to go to Rad and Tooele, or Tooele and Ogden, or whatever combo you want, but you have to race 2 tracks in the 5 races you attend.
2) If you bring in a new member, you get a fully valid card when they sign up.
3) a new member will get a fully valid card when he/she signs up
4) each participating track will get one event (race) that all riders will get a fully valid card.This can be a RFL, DBL points, open house, or just sometime that the TO feels a decent turnout would be good.
Now, each time you get a fully valid card, you can drop it in the box labeled for the item that you want to win. The more cards you get, the more entries you have to increase your odds. You can decide that you really really want the red frame, and put all of your cards in that box, or you can spread them out a little in each….a couple in the bars box, a couple in each frame box, and allot in the complete bike box……however you decide to play it.
It would run for maybe two months or so, and then the drawing would be held. Of course you have to be present to win. Or maybe not….I don’t know about that point.
I think that the prizes would have to be substantial in order to make it work. Everyone would really have to want the bike in order to give them the motivation to work for it.
One sticking point that I have with this is, I really would like it to be waited towards the novice and intermediates somehow. It seems that most experts already are committed enough to racing allot, and travel to various tracks. I don’t want to leave the experts out, but it’s not the same if you already are racing allot and going to all the tracks, and you already have the fully loaded bike model of your choice.
OK, see I told you it would be long. Everyone please let me know what you think of what I have down here. Suggestions, comments, whatever.
P.S. I have written this after not having sleep for?????….I cant even remember the last time I slept…so if it somewhat incoherent or confusing, please forgive me.
Sometime back the Cook’s asked us all what could be done to improve racing at their track. Well, I believe in my email to them, I may have went beyond what they were looking for. As I was going over things that could be done to improve racing, a few inescapable things kept coming into my head. Yea, a nice track is important, decent music is nice, pit bike racing is fun, etc, etc……but to me, racing BMX is about RACING. The first and foremost thing that makes it great is the racing…which means competition. So, what do you do to foster more competition, and varied competition? I really only have two sources for reference, me and my son Spencer, so I asked both of these highly intelligent individual for some input. Spencer happened to come up with the obvious answer first….get more riders out to the tracks. “It sucks when you race the same guys over and over, or when you show up and you don’t have a class”, Spencer’s word’s, not mine. So I posed a few follow-up questions to him……..”what do you do to get more kids out there?”.........”I don’t know”…………. ”can you talk to more kids about racing?”…… ”I talk about it all the time, but hardly anyone even knows what BMX racing is, and if they do know, they don’t know that you can race here, that there is a track right down the street from them.” OK, so as I suspected, it’s not the fact that the music needs to be changed, or that kids want to race pit bikes (all of which I have no problem with, by the way. Improvements at the tracks are good, too). This type of thing just is not going to drive up memberships and attendance. What is? I know it is too obvious, and has been said sooooo many times before, but we have to get the word out to a target age group. My opinion is between the ages of 8 and 14 are prime targets to focus on. I fume every time I drive past 6200 south and 2700 west and see 5 or more banners hung on fences for sports programs……skiing, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, lacross for gods sake, even art classes……….but do you think there is one for BMX….NO!!! My kids bring home flyers from school all the time for programs…jr. jazz, wrestling, football camps, baseball camps, lacross for gods sake, and even art classes…no BMX. It just seems to me that we are all missing the obvious way to advertise, and the more obvious way of getting more kids (not to mention their dads) out to try BMX. A little flyer sitting on the corner of a bike shop counter just is not going to get the word out to the masses. So, what can I do to help? I’m not one for just pointing out the obvious and then sitting back and expecting others to do the work. I have a difficult time getting to the tracks to help with grooming and whatnot, but maybe I can help in advertising. Does anyone have any suggestions to help formulate a plan to present to the TO’s? Or if the TOs are reading this, what do you think?
Now, onto something that I already have the ball rolling. You may remember last year at the end of the outdoor season, I did a little give-away of a redline bike and a supercross frame. Well, I thought it would be fun to continue this in some way, so I have started contacting a few companies to get donations. I may be counting my chickens, as they say, but I think I have a good line on a couple of frames and bars from a major manufacturer that happens to sponsor a local pro. I intend to add at least one complete bike to this from other sources, if all works out like I plan. But, instead of just giving the stuff away, I thought it would be good to tie it into attendance, a membership drive, and racing at multiple tracks. This is what I come up with, and please give me input as to what you think of it. Honest input would be good. If it is just stupid, or you think it wont help, or you come up with a better way to accomplish what I want, then let me have it.
1) It’s based on a punch card system. There will be cards at various local tracks (to be determined later), the rider picks one up when he/she races and gets it punched. It takes five punches to fill a card. But, to have the card be valid, it will have to be validated by at least two tracks. You cant just race Rad Canyon and get a valid card. You have to go to Rad and Tooele, or Tooele and Ogden, or whatever combo you want, but you have to race 2 tracks in the 5 races you attend.
2) If you bring in a new member, you get a fully valid card when they sign up.
3) a new member will get a fully valid card when he/she signs up
4) each participating track will get one event (race) that all riders will get a fully valid card.This can be a RFL, DBL points, open house, or just sometime that the TO feels a decent turnout would be good.
Now, each time you get a fully valid card, you can drop it in the box labeled for the item that you want to win. The more cards you get, the more entries you have to increase your odds. You can decide that you really really want the red frame, and put all of your cards in that box, or you can spread them out a little in each….a couple in the bars box, a couple in each frame box, and allot in the complete bike box……however you decide to play it.
It would run for maybe two months or so, and then the drawing would be held. Of course you have to be present to win. Or maybe not….I don’t know about that point.
I think that the prizes would have to be substantial in order to make it work. Everyone would really have to want the bike in order to give them the motivation to work for it.
One sticking point that I have with this is, I really would like it to be waited towards the novice and intermediates somehow. It seems that most experts already are committed enough to racing allot, and travel to various tracks. I don’t want to leave the experts out, but it’s not the same if you already are racing allot and going to all the tracks, and you already have the fully loaded bike model of your choice.
OK, see I told you it would be long. Everyone please let me know what you think of what I have down here. Suggestions, comments, whatever.
P.S. I have written this after not having sleep for?????….I cant even remember the last time I slept…so if it somewhat incoherent or confusing, please forgive me.