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Rather than.......

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:20 pm
by D Cook
Hi all,

I have been quitely reading the post's about who is going to take over RC, I personally think there are some great canidates, but in the end it is going to come down to who wants it and who is given the job.

basically, in the end, the decision is going to be made by a select few.

So rather than argue about who will make the best TO, I would like to here everyone ideas on how Utah BMX can be made better, what improvements can be made, what should be stopped, what can be done to bring new riders into the sport.

I am hearing so many people say they have great ideas, that this person or that can bring so many new people into the sport, but no one is saying how, or what their ideas are I for one would love to hear some of the ideas on how to make BMX in Utah better, not just who can do it.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:08 pm
by mackdaddy
Give a few days and we will post a list, I am working on a few things that we can post and share

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:47 pm
by D Cook
No hurry, I just thought that rather than worry about things most of us have no control over, we would all be better off working on things we do have some control over. I figured it would take a while to get some ideas from everyone.

I have lots and actually some have been put into place others are going to be started next year.

I will be talking about them at our year end party on the 25th, if anyone wants information before then I would be willing to set up a time to talk.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:53 pm
by mackdaddy
we are working on getting our list together,
One we can talk about now is the parades.
I think these are a great idea we can hand out flyers have the kids ride etc.
The Staats/lizard skins team will help with any parade with enough notice. We have enough riders wanting to help that we could be at several city parades at once.
Get the info on when Tooele does their parade and we can make sure we are ready for next years parades!

Also do you have the details on your year end party ready yet?

Diana, you have a private message from me