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Postby b2 » Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:37 pm

To everyone at RC tonight, THANK YOU!

Ok, I met several of you but didn't put your names in my PDA so they're lost... :oops:

I want to ESPECIALLY thank Kinkade (sp?) and his buddy Tyler.

WARNING! Serious parental gloat ahead!

I mentioned that we were new to RC at the booth when paying my $3 for Lucas to ride and the lady helping us asked if Lucas would like some buddies to show him the ropes. She stepped out and saw Kinkade and he more the gladly accepted (if he or his parents read this, WOW, what a kid to be proud of! Thank you!). He showed Lucas how to jump in on the 2nd to last straight so they did that several times. Then Lucas thought he was tough enough to take on the gate... of course dad says no but the kids head to the top of the ramp. Ramp starter guy (sorry, the names thing :() says "just start from here" and has the 3 of them drop in right after a group left the gate... Lucas totally went for it!

Next time Lucas got behind the gate (again, thanks to more people who have names but those I forgot) and more people helped Lucas behind the gate while I ran around with the 18 month-old on my back. He was supposed to wait for the group to leave the gate but tried hard to leave WITH them. Lucas did the gate a few more times and was loving life!

My wife got there after work and took the the baby so I got my matching teal ProTec and '88 Haro Sport and jumped on the track with Lucas after Kincade had to bail. We did this a few times and Lucas decided he needed to show me what the gates were all about. We pretty much did this until the place shut down! What a blast! But I sure learned how badly out of shape I am and what fun this is going to be!

Lucas was going crazy on his little bike (#4 cuz he's 4 years-old, he INSTRUCTED me that was the number he wanted). I think he only went down 3 times but did have a few other close calls.

You all are great! Thank you!

What a blast!

the bad part... I didn't even get out the camera! :(

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Postby greg » Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:29 pm

glad you and Lucas had so much fun. Sorry I wan't there to meet you (I'm sure you would have remembered my I'm soooo memorable, haha), but I'm sure we'll be introduced sometime.

see ya at the track!
Greg "how long does it take you to crash" prawitt

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Postby shifter » Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:51 am

I noticed your little guy from the pic you posted the other night - looked like he was doing very well. 8)

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Postby b2 » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:32 am

He was really having a blast! I don't know if it was he or Kincade that started it but there were a lot of 'YAHOO!'s coming out of them down the last straight...

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Postby joeynsophia » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:30 am

Your boy went right after it!!!! He was awesome last night. I bet he would have kept going for a few more hours if we let Hope to see you out there on Thursday..."ramp guy"...Steve

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Postby b2 » Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:03 pm

joeynsophia wrote:b2,
Your boy went right after it!!!! He was awesome last night. I bet he would have kept going for a few more hours if we let Hope to see you out there on Thursday..."ramp guy"...Steve

Thanks Steve! I'm sure I got your name but forgot it as soon as you told me... I was as excited as my kid.

We're going to try to catch all of the rest of the outdoor stuff and maybe try the indoor stuff too. If my OCD kicks in high gear (and my wife lets me and the kid is into it enough) we may end up a full on regular. I get TOO into things when I get excited about them... those are her words.

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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:31 pm

b2 wrote:I get TOO into things when I get excited about them... those are her words.

Oh, you are going to make the perfect BMX DAD. BMX is a sport that will take all of the "TOO into" you got. Trust me on this.

Your kid was awesome last night and the smile on his face every time he got in the gate said it all. I was the "other" four year old dad who talked to you last night. My son Charlie was out sick and probably will be tomorrow as well. We also have Carson Spencer who makes it out when his dad is in town, and Utah's only four year old Intermediate, Jack Kelly (this kid is amazing on a bike).

Lucas and you are in for a great ride :lol:

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