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A few signs you may be addicted to BMX....

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:32 pm
by J Gallo
Your bikes are worth more $ than the car you use to haul them around.

When you call in sick to work, you call in for class and cruiser.

You've asked your boss if you can install clips on your office chair.

When trying to get a loan and they mention "points", you ask if they are Novice, Intermediate, or Expert.

while driving, you pull a neck muscle trying deperately to simultaneously watch the road in front of you and see what that pastel blue bike the kid 1/2 block back was on.

You fill in your age on forms as "33X"

You have more bike parts in the living room than furniture.

Feel free to add to the list!

You might be a (redneck) BMX addict if...

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:09 pm
by JasonStout
When you drive undeveloped areas, your eyes are constantly searching the landscape for something to JUMP! "That would be a cool jump..."

You plan your vacations around ABA nationals....

NBL has something to do with bikes...

Your PROFILE has nothing to do with your investments...

Being on the REDLINE is a good thing...

TIME is what you waste when you switch to shamano clips...

If you think PIMPIN' is a cool thing!

When you get a phone call that wakes you up, you answer, "watch the lights!"

You have any BMX sticker on your vehicle

You say no to a date because you have a double point race that night!

You stop in the garage and stare at your bike(s) before you get in the car to go to work/school.

You count the hours before your next race

ok- these are all lame- Your turn.... !!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:49 pm
by J Gallo
Your walking in the mall, coming up behind another person, as you try to pass on the right they move over and you get upset and ask them why they didn't hold their line.