All I have to say is... What A WEEKEND! An excellent way to kick of the new year! Everyone seemed really happy and were enjoying being there. Let's keep this going through this year and beyond!
I would like to thank Ron Melton -btw, Happy B-Day- for letting us practice after the race all three days! You wouldn't believe what a difference 15-45 minutes after the race can make on not only myself but others too.
Another person I would like to point out is Alex Gren. After the race today (Sunday) she was out attempting the pro jump! Even with a few hard wrecks, she bounced back up and was at it again. She came close a few times, but she needed just a little more speed to carry her over. Can anyone say, "The next Arielle Martin?" Good job Alex, keep it up! Nice bike, btw. That gold is awesome!
You can't leave out the youngest kid to hit the pro jump, Bronson Butcher. During practice and intermission, he was out there skying it out! There was no way I would have even considered jumping that thing when I was his age. Way to go Bronson!
One last thing, when I first saw the track Friday, the first thing I noticed was the three rollers down the first straight. Being that was what I requested previously on this thread. Thanks Steve and Jason for putting that in. I thought it turned out really good! What did everyone else think of it? The rollers definatly made for some good racing! We'll have to see what I can come up with for next time... if that is okay of course
See everyone at the next one, two weeks from now!
Oh yeah, thanks again Ron for letting us do that expert open! It was tons of fun!
And I would have to say the rythmn section was much smoother this time. The transitions were near perfect! Good job guys!
A big thanks goes out to Robby Patterson for filming the expert open!!!