Utah's Next Pro?

Anything and everything about the Utah BMX scene.

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Postby IluvmyStaats » Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:07 pm

Dani? Female Pro?

:lol: When will that ever happen? :lol:

No offense Dani, I know you understand.

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Postby bnd » Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:34 pm

I remember back in the day that when you started dominating your older expert class, you would turn pro. The local pro class was where it was at, not hanging around the 17+ expert class forever looking for that one national win. I even wanted to turn pro when I graduated from high school but even with training my ass off I just wasn't cut out for it. But the point is is that I wanted to turn as did the majority of those I raced against. Spencer was a pro at one time, so was Joey May, Roland Critchfield, the list goes on.
Right now there is TP, Martin, Fuzzy, Tafras, Harmon, Hicks, Park & maybe 1 or 2 others I have forgotten. I would bet that if a few guys would forget about the national scene & concentrate on the local, we would have a pretty decent pro turnout during the Indoor season & an OK one in the summer. When our national comes around, then they can test themselves against the national regulars. Somewhere through the years the logic has reversed itself & that's why the local pro scene is nonexsistant.

I could see Simmons as a perfect choice. Cody Lowery, he's got the talent to hang for sure. Tim Thompson, no-brainer!, Jason Melton would be a choice too (Vet Pro?). He works out harder than anyone in here & would definatly rise to the challenge to turn it up a notch. How many more State plates can you get? When does winning moto's by whole straights start getting old? I'm sure there are more racers I'm forgetting since I haven't been around for 6 months & the racers I mention I do so because IMO they have the talent/drive/ & "stuff" to make it work so take it all as compliments guys. :)

If I was in TP's shoes, I'd start making the rounds & some phone calls seeing if anybody wants to step up & start racing for money & not trophys.

Remember this, if it didn't work out, you can always re-class.



Postby Guest » Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:57 am

Bruce has a point, and a good one. Pro's should be visable and available, and most of all they should be an example that other riders want to emulate. There have been many Utah riders that have gone pro only to reclassify because they couldn't compete on a national level (which shouldn't be the measure of success in my mind), or because they could never get a true pro race class locally. That would change if there were more active pro's who would come out and participate.
There have been many fun and entertaining pro/am's in the past, but lets face it, a true pro only race would be a better attraction.

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Postby J Gallo » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:04 am

Ok, you all talked me into it. Though I haven't won a SINGLE intermediate race, I'm turning Pro :)

Oh, Ian, I'll miss the good times I've had following you around the track :) *sheds tear*
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Postby bubbaliciousbmxr » Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:02 pm

Whoo hoo! Jason's going pro!

I guess that means that I might have to go pro soon too! :wink:

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Pro/Am is the answer!

Postby JasonStout » Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:45 pm

6 wins to turn inter
25 wins to turn expert
*35 wins to turn pro

Join me Jason G! We have a lot of racing to do to go pro....

So all the guys who lose those big boxing matches against Mike Tyson and stuff. I'd take $2.5 million to get the snot beat out of me by Mike. So- it's not beneath us to go pro and race TP locally for 5 or 6 dollars a race, right? It all adds up! J/K, lol, etc....


Pro/am races at local races would be awesome!!!!!!!

I have to admit, that Pro/Am race at Rad's race for life was one of the best races I've ever been in. Pulled TP down the first straight (He tanked the gate and passed me in the dubs) then I got piled up with Sunshine in the 2nd corner. I stole his bike and finished the race! What a riot! I also remember Travis sweating TP in the main as well!!!

More pro/am!

Also- Racing Cole the few times we were both out at the track was a blast!

I was in a total points race with Steve Spencer and Cole Simmons.

The points ended up Cole 5, Steve 6, and I had 6 with a 3rd place finish in the main. Who cares that I got third, I raced Cole and Steve and hung with them!

What wouild it take to get Park, Healey, Sunshine, TP, Cole, Jason, Jason , Jason, Jason, and Steve, Mike Kelley wants in, Tim T, and anyone else who want to break the barriers of age and classification to just race for speed. Rockin' Robbie, you'll be there soon enough!

I vote for Pro/Am!

What do you all think?



Postby Guest » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:16 pm

I raced Cole once at the Tooele Indoor. It was the main of a low points race and he lost his chain in the first turn and I thought to myself that I had him, that I would beat this guy up good :D but he stayed on his bike without crashing, and without peddling, and just pushed and pulled his way around the track without missing a beat and still won. I realized right then and there, that beating him was someone elses job. I still cant believe that I couldnt beat a chainless guy around 90% if the track....sheesh.... how depressing :cry:

So Jason, you are a hero in my eyes just to hang with those guys.


Postby .UtahLori » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:42 pm

There as so many more factors in the decision to go pro besides being fast.

Single A pros do not get much in the way of sponsor help if any so someone like Travis who has a great ride, might find it more advantageous to stay amatuer so that he can attend more events. It is also not just about being fast, you have to have the mentality to do well under pressure and ride in very tight packs. It's also really hard to do well without some size as so alot of the fast Ams who are Nag ranked decide to wait.

The poll is fun but I am not sure that it really reflects anything other than fun. I think it is an awsome goal for anyone to go pro and hope all on the list who want to make that level of riding.

I would bet that if a few guys would forget about the national scene & concentrate on the local......
That might be fun but reality is that TP and Ari are the only Pros who even raced a single national outside of Utah this last year and maybe for several years so I cant see how national racing is effecting the local scene much, if at all. If other local pros would show, so would Ari and I am sure TP. They have anytime Ray has said he was coming down.

Pro-ams are a whole different story. The problem with a Pro am is that sometimes you get fast riders who are not very experienced in riding in a tight pack and the risk of injury is greater. I don't particularly like Ari running a pro am before a big event but do wish quite often that the old days of her racing Hollie and Heather could still happen. That was fun when you never knew who of the 3 would come out on top.

I sure can ramble when I am at work and its slow :shock:

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Postby J Gallo » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:41 am

Great points Lori.

The poll is fun but I am not sure that it really reflects anything other than fun.

You're exactly right, it's just for fun. And hopefully something that will create conversation.
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