Track Op. change @ Rad Canyon? Your honest thoughts.

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Postby FLYNHIGH » Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:11 pm

How about holding an election and the riders/parents can vote for who they want. Just an idea.


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??? & Election idea

Postby Roland » Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:26 pm

I was curious how the hand off takes place too.
Travis' idea is a good one. Is that an option.

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Postby J Gallo » Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:35 pm

I too like that idea. Though I'm not entirely sure that's a viable option given the logistics and possible "ballot stuffing" that could occur. Personally, I'd love to have some sort of say or "vote" as to a successor.

In the end, knowing that we have a tremendous group of volunteers on the board of directors, not to mention our current TO, I will support whatever decision they make.

But then again, maybe we could narrow the decision down to say, 6 different people, and have public debates at the track after racing? Hmmmmmm :) :P :shock:
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Postby flymom » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:10 pm

I would think that Dave and Tanna have ultimate say in who the track is handed off to, if in fact they are stepping down. I'm sure that Rad Canyon is set up as some sort of corporation with by-laws and such. I doubt it would be up for a vote.

We obvioulsy are out of the loop these days, but having been around BMX since the beginning here in Utah, and helping my parents run Thunderhill and the Winter Series' at the Indoor Fairpark, as well as Rad Canyon, I think a top priority for WHOEVER ends up running RC is that they have the best interest of the riders at heart. Anyone looking to make money at it is in it for the wrong reasons and will be greatly suprised at the time it takes and the lack of respect that comes with running a track.

Having said that, I think the Melton's would be an awesome choice!

Just my two cents!

Allison "flymom" Moll

PS - Now don't go slammin' me again Bruce!

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Postby bnd » Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:25 pm

As much as I would like to respond to a few certain "accusations", I won't for the sake of the peace around here. Some of these posts I totally agree with & others are laughable. :roll:

I do respect people chiming in though & giving their opinions on this site. I feel Utah is going to be a big part of growing the scene here in the future.

In the end, I really don't give a crap who's running RC, if given a choice I would like to see Dave stay, if not, Iv'e voiced my opinion of who I wouldn't mind stepping in. If Rob ends up with it, all the power to him, same with the Lowerys. I'll still come out when I feel like it, no matter whos manning the helm.

So what am I going to do to help the local scene in the future while being just another face in the bleachers for now?
I'm bringing in 2 new members in the 13 novice class ready for indoors just as soon as Vinces football season ends.......



Nobody is accusing

Postby .Roland » Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:19 pm

Robert, I must disagree with the statement that anybody especially Bruce is accusing you of anything.

You know as well as I do that there has been chatter and discussion of a possible change in T.O. for several months now. More so lately...

Nobody that I can tell in these posts has thrown out anything harsh other than a bit from an unnamed guest.

To say that you and the current team of Rad Canyon crew have not done any promotion is also false. Nobody that has posted has said that nothing has been done in the way of promotion.
However as a parent, rider and spectator, the sport is reeling for rider count. Other than the bigger races such as National, RL Cup Qual. and multi-point weekends, the local racing has become very predictable and somewhat boring. Take a look at how many low points races are on the moto sheets. I know it can get better than this. If Dave is indeed stepping down, now would be the optimum time to re-seed the landscape and sow some new seeds.

I am certainly not saying that you are or are not the person for the T.O. however I have discussed the desires of Ron Melton and happen to like what I have heard and seen he can do.

I too wish Dave would stick around, with time more, more stability is created. With that comes success and all that follows.
Dave and I have also talked and he expressed some of his feelings to me that it has been one hell of a year. As mentioned earlier in all of these posts, it takes the right person to take lead spot in running a non-profit, thankless, endless task such as a BMX T.O.

Take note, I myself love this sport but have never thought twice about running a track especially one of this magnitude. If you are the one to take over, I will do my best to promote and support all of your efforts.

Hopefully all of this will somehow help the BMX community in the end.

As for you taking over Dave's role, only more chatter has surfaced regarding that too. If none of this is true, why has it been allowed to float around for so long?
Your post tells me that you were poised for the position, but then why all of the sudden over the last week have so many names come to the surface as potential candidates?

As you mentioned, communication is key. I think some communication prior to all of this should have happened. Think about it, if even the R.C. volunteers were brought up to speed regarding this topic, a lot of the speculation could have been avoided.

I hope everything clears itself up soon.

Lets all communicate!!!!!!


Postby Guest » Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:26 pm

okay has anyone stopped to think that this rumor that has been started has gone way to far once again?!? Why does it matter who becomes the new T/O (if there is really to be a new one) I do think the person who takes over would have everyones best interest at heart! What example is being taught here to little ones? The problems start when the adults start them. That is one of the reason why my family does not race anymore. RUMORS kill it all!!!!!!!! Let's just put this T/O stuff to a rest and let those that should take care of it, take care of it. Why post a new subject that just has absolutley NOTHING to do with you!!!!!!


Postby TP » Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:01 pm

I think maybe everyone is putting way to much into this T.O. thing. the best TO's are like head coaches. they need great assistant coaches to succeed. All you have to be able to do is communicate well with others and be willing to accept help from everyone who is willing to help. If you run it like a private club you will only have problems in the end. As for punching keys vs. using a shovel or rake. Some people need only to be given the opportunity to use a shovel or rake and they would be glad to do so.

the best TO's or "coaches" are secure enough in their selfs to let other people give input and to give others responsibility and credit. Having raced x amount of years etc. doesn't mean a whole lot to me. If you don't know how to build a track you ASK for help and input. having manager experience is a plus but lets be real. we're talking about running a track not a multi-million dollar company. I had a whopping 5 years of managerial experience at Geneva and beleive me the only thing that relates is people skills. Again, being able to communicate.

whats my point? I think there are ALOT of people who would do an exellent job as T.O. at Rad Canyon. I won't name any names as I don't want to hurt anyones feelings. you all know that Pro's words are always magnified for some strange reason? but thats a whole differant topic.

I hate to see Dave go. If he does I'm sure whoever takes over will do an exellent job. how could they not with everyone on this boards help? I wish I could do more for Utah BMX. I was just telling Dave the other day I wish I could come out more. It's tuff to race and train for nationals and also be a big presence on the local scene. I think I have been out to Ogden and Tooele once and lindon two or three times. so I really have no room to talk about what we need to do locally. I don't know how many more years I will race but when I'm done it will be time to step up and go to more locals and help out more.

Thank you all T.O.'s in Utah for giving us all a place to come and have fun.

I'm sure this will all work out in the end, see you all soon,TP

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Postby Curtis Newkirk » Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:06 am

TP wrote:I'm sure this will all work out in the end, see you all soon,TP

I sure hope so. As a four day old new rider, but ex-bmxer with a son who is full bore now I sure dislike the tone that this thread has taken. We have had nothing but positive experiences at Rad this year and created some tremendous memories. I have commented to my old bmx buddies ad-nauseum how well Rad is run compared to what we had to deal with in the day.

Granted, I probably know a few of your faces, but your names mostly escape me so forgive what I am about to say once we meet: Will you guys PLEASE knock off the politics. As a rebound newbie hearing this kind of stuff makes me ill at ease with the track we now call "home". I sincerely look forward to a place that my family can come and the riders interests are held as top priority. The discussion that is going on here is not exactly doing anything for these hopes...

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Postby J Gallo » Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:36 am

I have an idea,

Let's start posting any and all stories about GOOD things that have happened at RAD, and GOOD suggestions about things you'd like to see happen. Also, if you have any good or funny stories about our current TO's Dave and Tanna, please feel free to share those!

I personally would like to take a moment to thank them for ALL of the time and effort they have put into running RAD. I wish them well in the future in whatever they do!
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Postby sspencer » Wed Sep 15, 2004 2:31 pm

Jason G,
I applaud your efforts to keep the forums positive and constructive and for providing a "meeting place" for to allow the Utah BMX community to gather and discuss issues, ideas or to just talk about BMX. Our little BMX family is better because of you, THANK YOU :D

This editorial does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of
This thread started as a discussion of who are the best candidates for the position of the new T.O. of Rad Canyon and got way out of hand. People read waaaay to much into what was being said and took it as slander of a couple of the candidiates. We were playing nice until they came along and screwed it all up :x The first few posts were worded well and were by no means "slamming" anyone. But then the "guests" took it apon themselves to "assume" that the comments were slams and then proceeded to "assume" that the people posting were the the ones who lead to the demise of Twin Peaks, dont help at the track, were the contributors of BMX politics gone awry and were mean, nasty people... (deep breath, count to 10) Those who make accusations without all the facts, jump to conclusions and cannot be rational during a thought provoking conversation are not only the contibutors to the downfall of BMX but to society itself.

I kind of like to think of myself as a "survivor" of BMX, more so Utah BMX. I have been a part of the local scene since 1985 (started in California in 1980), except for my temporary relocation for a year. I have weathered the recessions and progressions of the sport and along the way have adopted the Utah BMX scene, the tracks and people, as a part of my life, like a family. Outside of Bruce Ritter and myself, I cannot think of anyone else who can claim this type of longevity. There are the "old-schoolers" (Critchfield, Elliot, etc) who have come back and a few others that have put their time in like the Allreds, Hallidays, Healeys, Martin, etc. I like to think I have had my hand in nurturing and maintaining the scene over the years, all be it may have been with minimal effort at times. So when a signifcant change is about to occur to something in my life, I am going to be concerned. Rad Canyon is one of the premier facilities in the the BMX world and those who have been at the helm of U.S.S. Rad Canyon (formerly U.S.S. Twin Peaks) have put their heart and soul into it to make it what it is today. Some have said that it doesnt matter who is the T.O. as long as you have a good supporting crew and that is true to an extent. Maybe we are making too big of deal about it and you are free to feel that way. Rad is almost like my kid. Would you just let anybody take care of your kid?

I consider myself approachable and open minded and if anyone wishes to discuss this any further please feel free to talk to me.


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Postby J Gallo » Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:46 pm


How DARE you post such an egregious statement as:

This editorial does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of

Let me correct you!

This editorial DOES MOST DEFINITELY, ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY reflect the views or opinions of

:D :wink:

You can speak for me anytime my friend.....
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Postby J Gallo » Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:03 pm

Well, I've noticed no one has asked the really BIG question. I know it's on all our minds, so I guess I'll "man up" and put it out there. Hopefully this will put to rest any "rumors" that might be floating around. I just want the truth!

Am I still going to be able to pull weeds? :D
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Pulling Weeds????

Postby mykidsbmx » Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:22 pm

I'm sure that you can pull weeds to your heart's content!!!!!! :D

Good thing you didn't ask the other "big question" on everyone's minds!!!!!
Why didn't we all meet at Del Taco for the 10 for 3.00 sale? 8)

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Postby bubbaliciousbmxr » Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:30 pm

HEY! How about that?

I was hoping for some mexican food last night!


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