Utah's Terrible Ten....let's discuss.

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Utah's Terrible Ten....let's discuss.

Postby bnd » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:19 pm

Name the fastest racers in the state, since I'm not up to speed on who is who, here is my best guesstimate......No pros.

1. Healey.
2. Winebrenner.
3. Martinez.
4. Smith.
5. Patterson.
6. Fazio.
7. Froisland.
I can't pin down 8-10.....

Am I missing anybody? Please add to this list.


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Postby FLYNHIGH » Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:24 am

8. Levi Foster

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Postby Diesel » Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:17 pm

Stay tuned for my take on this based on what I've learned over the past 8 years. This might take awhile, so I'll post it when it's finished.

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Postby Punk-Biker940 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:11 pm

heres my top ten

1. Healey
2. Winnebrener
3. Martinez
4. Smith
5. Patterson
6. Fazio
7. Froisland
8. Melton
9. Ropelato
10. ??

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Postby JasonStout » Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:22 pm

Hey all-

This is a fun thread. I hope it stays that way. I'm coaching the Utah women's volleyball team this season. Ranking teams is very tough- ranking individuals is also a tough thing. Well I'm taking this terrible ten as the fasted 10 riders in Utah going into the Grands. (2006) Also, where they are sitting in NAG points, and how they finish against each other in local, state, and national races.

Well...how do you respond without stepping on toes. I've edited this thing a great deal. A few thoughts. I'd like to use current standings as the measure. I don't want this to be a popularity contest, but let's rank some people- fairly!

Patterson has proven he's faster than Smith- unless you count Smith as Brandon Smith. If we are doing a Utah's Terrible 10 then count the Utah State championship series as a measure- that would put Robby ahead of Jordan. That group mixes it up every year, and every race. I also believe Robby is ahead in the NAG standings. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Brandon Smith is faster than everyone on that list starting from the other Smith down. Brandon got to prove that a few weeks ago at rad when he beat Robby.

Jason Halverson is killing it on the national scene, and is one fast rider. Don't forget him. Levi also has made a great deal of improvements in a very short time.

Okay- let me try this....

1. Travis Healey- uncontested!
2. Christian Martinez-(super fast- just ask Trav.)
3. Joe Winnebrennererrer...(are you taking a break?)
4. Brandon Smith- or Jordan
5.Robby Patterson
6. Jordan Smith- or Brandon
7. Jason Halverson
8. Mitch Ropelato
9. Levi Foster
10. Jason Melton

I see now I've fallen from the ranks, but have beat every one of these riders in a race at some point in my racing career over the last 5 years :lol: (except Christian Martinez). Some of them, it's been quite a while. :? (Besides, I don't even own a 20 inch race bike these days.) :roll:

:arrow: Mike Kelley, Cody Kelley, Heather Allred, Steve Spencer, Matt Spencer, Bennett Newkirk, and the rest of you awesome racers that represent Utah and yourselves- best of luck to you heading to the grands. You're all "terrible" in my book, too! Danny Patterson Jr., Fazzio, Cole, and the rest of you dormant superfast guys (aiken, hall, park, etc...could come back go really fast. You guys don't count cuz you're all taking a break.

Utah is an awesome place to race bikes! :D


Jason Stout

I'm sure I'll revise this soon enough!

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Postby bnd » Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:10 pm

The terrible ten is the fastest riders in the state in no peticular order. Don't try to rank them.

Cole Simmons is in there, as is Brandon Smith. That leaves one more.....


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Postby Extreme Team Coach » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:39 pm

I say Brandon Smith but maybe thats because I get to suck down his dust one a week ( Ya Im reallllllly looking towards three days a week ) But what about TP? Does he count ?

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Postby JasonStout » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:40 pm

Bruce! of course that last spot belongs to you!

oh- and I ranked 'em! ;)

just for fun, what about putting the pros in the ranking.

...where do our pros fit in as far as speed?


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Postby bnd » Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:47 pm

The "Terrible Ten" was started in 1983 by BMX Action magazine.

You OS'ers recall that Utah's Mike Poulson was one of them. It's always been am's Jason, don't muss it up!


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Postby FLYNHIGH » Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:44 pm

I going to have to disagree with Stout on riders 4-6. I believe any of them can beat each other on any given day. Just as the weather changes, so does who wins. They are definitely an interesting trio of riders in that each of them possess many unique strengths and weaknesses. Watching them compete can be very entertaining and I think that together they only make one another better. As long as they keep their emotions on the track, they will only continue to progress and evolve into great BMX racers!

I've been thinking that it would be cool to have a 15 and over expert open at the indoor in December. We could even run it in the NAG 5 format (Quarters, Semis, Mains) depending on how many riders decide to race. IE Quarters before first round, Semis before second, and the main before the race's main events. You know the racing would be hot and tight!!! What do you all think? I'm in!

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Postby bmxchris73 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:52 pm

I think thats a great idea Travis!! I'm not expert so I wouldn't be racing it but I bet those would be the best races of the indoor.

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Postby J Gallo » Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:42 am

I've been thinking that it would be cool to have a 15 and over expert open at the indoor in December

I'm not expert either, but I'd LOVE to get in the gate and at least be moto fill for one round :)

You know what's missing from this thread, a FEMALE Terrible ten. So here's mine in NO particular order (amateurs only, cause Arielle is a given):

  1. Heather Allred
  2. Ashley Topham
  3. Alex Gren
  4. Hollie Hasna
  5. Brooke Oblad
  6. Breanna Bonker
  7. Cassidy Shepherd (when she gets into Girls class)
  8. Anna Newkirk (pound for pound, she could hang out front)
  9. Breanna Oblad (same as Anna)
  10. Tiffany Freeman
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Postby JasonStout » Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:56 am

Awesome list J!

GO girls! We are really lucky to have so many great girl bmx riders here in Utah. I noticed our last outdoor race that we had almost a full gate of 7 and under girl riders- and I think 3 more motos of girls after them with more than just total points racing! That's awesome!


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