You may have noticed lately I've been changing the large picture on the main page every few days or so. Well, now I've changed the program so the front page picture will randomly rotate through different pics each time you load or refresh the page. Right now it will cycle through 7 different pics. Hopefully this will make the main page "fresh" each time you view it, so it's not always the same pic over and over again. And as time goes on I'll be adding more pics, but I'll keep the total at around 10. Here's a list of the current pics:
Original Pic - w/ Heather Allred, Cody Kelley, Ian Elliot
TP Wins - Todd Parry w/ Trophy from 30+ BS Race in Rockford
High Flyers - w/ Tony Anderson and Jeremiah Fazzio
Smilie - w/ Robbie Patterson
In the Turn - w/ Sheldon Dale and Jason Gallo
Over the Double - w/ Heather Allred
Spencer Airlines - w/ Matt Spencer and Dan Patterson
I hope you enjoy this new feature, if you should have any problems, or would like to recommend a favorite pic, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for your support!
p.s. If you should be so lucky as to see the pic of me and Sheldon, I didn't post that pic to show myself (well, maybe a little ), I posted it cause it was taken by our own Jenni (justinsbmxmom) and she was really proud of that pic!
New Main Page Feature!
New Main Page Feature!
Last edited by J Gallo on Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The ability to walk fully upright is overrated. Along with tying your own shoes."
"The ability to walk fully upright is overrated. Along with tying your own shoes."
- justinsbmxmom
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- Posts: 257
- Joined: Mon May 10, 2004 8:19 pm
- Location: Idaho Falls
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