Hey Greg St. Champ......PV is almost expert.

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Hey Greg St. Champ......PV is almost expert.

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:03 am

Just giving you a heads up Vince is on a tear & needs only 4 more wins 'till expert & he wants to turn. I'm figuring 2-3 weeks if things go right. He could get 2 by this weekend. Once he goes a few others won't be far behind.


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2004 36-40 Cruiser State Champ
Posts: 469
Joined: Tue May 11, 2004 6:52 am
Location: west jordan, utah

Postby greg » Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:47 pm

excellent news!

Vince is looking pretty good out there, so I'm sure he will fit right in with the experts (well, with Spencer anyway, Robby and Mitch are in another class all together.....AA experts or something like that).

The 13X class sure does need some more riders, so I hope there are a few coming up soon.
Greg "how long does it take you to crash" prawitt

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