Legacy track review.

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Legacy track review.

Postby bnd » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:56 pm

I stopped by the track today & walked it. It has a very tall starting hill going into a camelback style 1st obstacle then into a small dub going into a very big turn.
Coming out of the turn you have a table then roller then about a 18ft' dub going into another big turn.
3rd straight all rythem, but more indoor rythem, lower & tamer.
Last corner coming out is (a little fuzzy here), table. roller then dubs.

The 1st thing that struck me is how tame & mellow all the obstacles are. Plenty of spacing too so your going to get alot of pedaling in. There is nothing scary about this track. I know my 5 novie going to love this track including this 46-50 cruiser rider.

Utah BMX.com rating - 4 out of 5 Oakley grips.
Nice work Legacy!

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