Drunk and Disorderly

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DJ Darby Crash
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Drunk and Disorderly

Postby DJ Darby Crash » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:40 am

I have been on the BMX scene since 2006. I have been a volunteer at tracks in California and in Utah and I have spent more than my fair share of the past 7 years in the dirt all over the place.

For some reason I have noticed that there seems to be more and more parents and others that have decided that getting their "buzz" on and becoming rude and confrontational at the tracks is acceptable.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe that everybody has the right to do what they want. However I do not believe that their rights should be allowed to infringe on the rights of others.

It is our responsibility as "adults" to know our limits and what is acceptable behavior. When we go to any track we are in the presence of minors. My kids, your kids and other peoples kids. It is an all age family event. If you can't "maintain" then you need to stay at home.

I am all good with those that have a drink, heck, I may even partake but for those that "can't hang" monitor yourself or get your designated driver to take you home. Nobody wants to be subjected to your issues / problems and certainly not the kids. Nobody wants to be killed in an accident that you caused on our way home while you were DUI. Nobody wants to go fist to cuffs becuase you are being rude or looking for a fight.

Remember alcohol consumption at a track is not a right and track operators have the ability to end it. Lets not let a few bad seeds ruin other responsible adults pleasure. Stand up and do what's right.


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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby bnd » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:03 pm

You beat me to the keyboard DJ. I just got back from a 30 mile road ride & pondered how to address this.
Iv'e been racing Tooele since it opened in 99'. It's always been alot more liberal when it came to looking the other way when it came to alcohol, kind of like Rock Springs. The worst case I saw was 2 years ago when a couple of well known booze hounds got involved with their kids issues on the track, decided to confront each other & Darrin & I had to warn them that if the cops come, they are probebly going to jail. Last night was crazier than that.

I missed the crazy Dad scene at the finish line but got the 411 from witnesses. Dads getting ready to throw down over a 6 yr. old race(?).......really???? Please somebody in the know fill us in.

Anyways, what blew me away was some of the volunteers on the track actually drinking, open container......while working the show. I have been involved in BMX racing since 1977 & have NEVER EVER seen a gate operator chugging a beer in front of everybody. Same goes for one of the corner workers. Shame on you guys. Believe me if your reading this, there was alot of mumbling going on in staging with the parents & older racers that noticed it.
This goes out to everybody who had an open container, if the Toeele County Sheriff were to just pull up one night to check things out & saw what was going on, they could shut down the races in a split second. That's a fact.

I'm not claiming to be innocent about this issue either, Iv'e had a beer or 2 out there over the years but I was very discrete & I have never brought it on the track. If you do have a drink, keep it on the DL & for cripes sake, stay off the track & stay in your lane (maintain).

Now need a beer!

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby JAlvey » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:35 pm

I've been racing BMX for over 30 years, and that was the worst circus I've ever witnessed. Some of the low-lights: Track official before mains with the hose in one hand and a beer in the other putting so much water in turn two that the first three motos of girls slid out and crashed (with Mackenzie Hansen, Tasha Peterson, and Brighton Alvey getting hurt in the process). Same track official never really noticed what was going on, and riders up in staging had to run down, shut down the race, and fix the track. How about a gate operator with an open beer on the gate, or an announcer / TO with one (or a few) out in front of everyone? I saw the team manager of one of our biggest local teams ask about a 30' line infraction and get told where he could shove it. An announcer slurring words and not being able to ID riders or motos or age groups. The list goes on and on. The worst part is that all this is going on in front of a bunch of kids. Add this to the falling apart track, the wrong dirt, the broken ram, the broken gate, the late starts, the delayed points reporting to usabmx etc etc.

I like BMX and beers, but I'm thinking things might go a bit better if the BMX race gets run first, then have happy hour start.

On a positive note- this really reinforces how professionally Rad Canyon, Legacy, and Red Hills are run (I haven't been to Zion yet). Huge props to the Meltons, Dilleys, Brazells and their volunteers.

It was a bummer pulling out last night realizing that we would probably never return to what a few years ago was my kids' favorite track.

Bruce- come on over for a beer! Any night but Wed or Friday- I will be helping at the track on those nights

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby armymother » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:03 pm

I agree the people running the track should not be drinking while races are going on, and I also agree parent and riders should not be disrespectful to the volunteers. But let me remind you I have seen team captains drinking at Legacy and Rad Canyon yes they are not running the track but they are setting a bad example to the other people on the team. I have seen parents make asses out of themselves while drinking at every track.
As for the condition of the track---quit your bitching about it. When a request goes out for help with the DP track no one from Legacy or Rad steps up to help. Its funny how a state qualifier is at DP and everyone wants to complain. If the track is run down don't just hold Roland accountable, but you all should stop and think about how much time you have put in to help. There have been several times my family has gone down to help with the track and we are the only ones there.
This whole situation has gotten out of control and everyone needs to settle down. The damage has been done and pointing fingers is getting this situation nowhere. Either forgive and forget or don't go to DP again. Its a loss for everyone if DP shuts down. And if people helped out more or offered to help assist in running the track it might look better, run smoother and put less stress on the people running it. Lets all set a good example for the kids, BMX is suppose to be fun, promote team spirit, make friends and have a good time---last night was 1 night, we have had over 100 nights that were great. So dust off your shoes, shine your bikes and get ready to race and have a good time.

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby JAlvey » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:38 pm

armymother wrote: When a request goes out for help with the DP track no one from Legacy or Rad steps up to help.

1. Legacy and Rad have their hands full running their own tracks. The buck has to stop somewhere and DP and anything that goes on there is 100% Roland Critchfield's responsibility.

2. Ask Roland how many times he's called Kevin Dilley (the TO at Legacy) at last moment for help on broken water mains, track issues, replacing a broken ram, a broken computer etc.

3. How often do you see Rad Canyon's volunteers like Heather Edwards helping in registration/finish line etc - pretty much every week. Who was helping on the track- Mont Allen (Rad's main volunteer). Who was running staging- Michelle Brazell (TO at Redhills).

I think everyone agrees that we want and need a BMX track at Deseret Peak. Two years ago, it was most people's favorite track. Now, most people plan on never returning.

DJ Darby Crash
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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby DJ Darby Crash » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:02 pm

Now it is time to hang my head in shame. I was the gate operator last night with the beer in my hand. I can also admit I was wrong and I made a mistake. I knew I shouldn't have taken a beer up there. It was a long day and I knew it was going to be a long night. Still this is no excuse and after all the drama and people making asumptions on how many beers I had (2 over a 6 hour period for those keeping track), it will never happen again.

I have been dropping the gates at the summer and winter tracks in Utah for about 1 year and previously I was dropping them in So. Cal. I have been doing it since 2006 and I can honestly say that since 2006 I have had I think 4 beers in total while volunteering at a track (2 of them this weekend).

I take dropping the gate very seriously because in one mistake I can take a person's limb or kill a kid. I am responsible to not only monitor the gate but to ensure that we do not have a rider down because as soon as I drop that gate, those riders may cause injury to themselves or the down rider if they collide. I am very safety concious to the point were some riders can't stand me because I will not let them hop over the gate, go around the gate or walk up to the gate. Some people do not know that if the power goes out, the gate comes down and I cannot predict when that will happen. I will not let my kids do it and I will not let yours because I do take the gate that seriously. Even last night I am sure people were wondering why the gate was not being dropped. No it was not because I was "pounding the beers" as some would like to think. It was because there was an intermittant short that could not be identified in the ram. I located and repaired it and insured the gate was operational before anybody was allowed near it. Safety 1st....

During the 1st round, Michael asked me who was watching the 30' rule. I can honestly say that I was not and I probably should have been. I tend to put that as my least priority because most riders watch their P's and Q's. I acknowledged his concern and started watching the 30' for any infractions. I also advised the riders on the hill that this rule was in affect and I would be looking for it. I am sorry if Michael thought I was blowing him off but that could not be further from the truth. I made sure that this became a non-issue as best I could.

I ackowledge I was in the wrong for the beer and I apologize if I offended anybody by having it. I will be respectful and more mindful of other peoples concerns. As for those of you who still wish to think I am a "bad person", please feel free to come up anytime and take my place for 6 or so hours when it's 100+. Rhonda (my wife who also stages and does sign-ups) and I would really appreciate the relief from those of you who do not volunteer. I'm not complaining just saying :idea:

My purpose of bringing "Drunk and Disorderly" to the board was so that people might think about that next drink that might cause them to get out of line. I am sure we all know somebody that needs to be told to "cut back" at the tracks. Most of the issues that come out at the tracks between people involve 1 of 2 things. Over enthusiastic fathers of the 8 and under classes (sorry dads but some of you get way to involved and need to realize that your kid is just happy to be riding their bike) a good chunk of the rest are parents that have had 1 too many.

Me personally, I am going to stick to my Mountain Dew, Diet Coke and Ice Tea when I am volunteering. Way too much hassel and assumptions for a beer. :roll:

Honestly, if I did really offend you, please feel free to let me know. I am a decent guy and would like the opportunity to let you vent if it would help.

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby armymother » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:37 pm

JAley it seems you have a real chip on your shoulder when it comes to Roland you are a leader in the BMX area of Utah. Don't you think you should maybe be a better example and let what happen go? It seems you rather enjoy the DP bashing. Whats up with that, my husband thinks highly of you---right now I don't think he should

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby bnd » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:44 pm

Thanks for owning it dude. Iv'e done that job many a time at DP, it's a very, if not the most important job at the races. It seems you realize the image you projected, even holding a beer can. Like I said, that place could be shut down in minutes if the right person was to roll up & see what was going on.

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby JAlvey » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:53 pm

I definitely don't enjoy bashing on DP or Roland. I've been a proud sponsor of that track for almost 5 years, and if things were different, I would be glad to support it again in the future. Like I said above, it's been our favorite track in the past. I'm just sick about everything that went on last night. If I were a new parent to the sport and saw that, I'd never be back. I will do whatever it takes to keep the track up and running, but can't support some of what went on last night, if that's considered bashing, then so be it.

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby bnd » Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:47 pm

This little bit of info was thrown my way, off of Facebook..................

"Public Intoxication at Deseret Peak Bmx Park is Forbidden from this point forward... PERIOD!!!!"

Great, I don't know how this is going to be enforced but I guess it's a good step in the right direction if the people running the show lead by example.

I talked to the past T.O. about the weekends goings ons & he just repeated what I said twice about getting shut down if the Sheriff, local Police or any head honcho that works for D.P. saw any open containers. Drink at your & the events own risk.
Don't say I didn't warn ya.

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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby knuckleheadspeed » Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:50 pm

I am one of the dads from the 6x race. I think the situation may have looked a lot worse from the grandstands than it really was especially considering everything else that went on.

I had approached Kevin dilley earlier that night regarding a move I understood as legal but very dangerous and asked his opinion. Kevin as expected graciously offered advise and to watch the race with me at the finish line.

The move I was questioning was in the first straight but during that race it didn't happen. During the Sprint down the last straight they were side by and from our point of view it appeared as though one came over intentionally.

I looked at Kevin and he told me to take it up with Roland.

Obviously Roland had his hands full and asked if we could deal with it later and I agreed.

Walked back to Kevin and noticed the other father had come down so I waved him over.

That's when things went wrong and if I could go back in time I would not have waved him over. My temper was not flared and I'm sure that Kevin and those who know me would agree.

I did learn from Kevin that when disputing a move, never involve the other parent. Point well taken.

We love DP and help out as much as we can. I may not be able to help during the week but every Saturday I can say we are one of the last families to leave after taking down banners, garbage duty and gate tear down. I wish I could give more back but I travel out of state nearly every week and give what I can.
As a side note I would love to help out in staging for any track at any race.
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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby Lee_Geddings » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:29 pm

I love BMX...I love DP...I love racing BMX at DP!

It's sad to read this in our forum. I'm going to keep my opinion to myself because there's this little book called the 2012 USA BMX Rule Book and there is some pretty interesting stuff in there. Here's a couple of things I was able to find that may shock some of you (or maybe not)...

XII. Racing Rules

5. The use of any drugs, stimulants or intoxicants is prohibited
unless prescribed by a licensed physician.

XV. Rules of Conduct

2. A rider may be disqualified or suspended for his/her actions
or the actions of his/her parent(s), or accompanying party.

3. A parent/guardian or accompanying party may have their
event attendance privilege revoked for their own actions or
actions of their rider(s).

Wouldn't it suck to try and explain to little suzie or johnny why their big trophy was taken away from them or they can't race at that track again.

Don't get me wrong...I can party with the best of them, but there's a time and place for it. Heck, save all the Saturday night drinks up and head to the Las Vegas national next year...Now there's a party! 8)
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Re: Drunk and Disorderly

Postby JasonStout » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:32 am

Great Thread!

"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

What role does the fence play in all of this?

This forum is a place to come and express your concern. No need for personal attack.

Defending my friend: Justin is a racer, a sponsor, an advocate to our sport, a doc, and most importantly a concerned parent worried about the environment in which he chooses to take his family. Expressing disappointment in being on a dangerous track with the usual crowd who think and act differently under the influence and "crossed the fence" is a legitimate concern.

My $.02.: I was very disappointed watching riders stack up in the 2nd corner. It seems senseless. You do all you can to avoid a crash and to have the track condition be the main factor of a few hard crashes was discouraging.

Having throngs of parents and OZD's on the inside of the fence with open cans in hand at the finish line was unusual. Personally, I've learned the more I'm on my bike and on the track on the inside of the fence- that's where I'm surrounded by riders, doers.

I thought about calling a few friends in Tooele to come watch me race to introduce the sport to them. I'm so glad I didn't on this particular night- as I was mortified to some of the situations that went on. I don't know how I'd explain it to them after. Anyone who brought family or friends to come see the race has probably had a few awkward conversations like the one I avoided.

Let's not forget the 45 motos of awesome racing that went on that night! This negative stuff made up such a small percentage of what all went on. Lot's of relationships were fortified, good times had, and some great racing. It was not ideal. The weather, parts of the track, and the storms on the inside of the fence made it a challenge.

Which side of the fence are you on? As to breakfast..."The chicken is involved, but the pig is committed!" Are you a chicken or a pig? I'm both at different times. (Are you a watcher, a racer, a volunteer, pit crew, support staff, a problem solver, or a problem maker?)

This whole situation is very delicate in my opinion. TO's and volunteers get criticized 100 times more than they get thanked. This thread kinda steps on the toes of the TO and the volunteers, hopefully in a respectful way- and in a way to where their legitimate concerns are heard, discussed, and resolved. I'm telling you, posting on the internet about concerns is not usually the way to be heard, but in this case, I think it's one of the few options. This discussion is a switch-point for the DP track. We'll decide many things based on the ideas presented and how they're presented in this forum.

If you have not volunteered or raced, I highly recommend that you do it. You'll see the entire production of a race on an entirely different level.

One of my favorite stories is the dad who told me, "Jason, I used to yell at my kid- Pedal, Pedal- until I rode the track. Now I get why he sets up for a few of those obstacles. It's one thing to stay on your bike on the track- and an entirely new thing to do it while a bunch of parents are screaming their guts out at at you!"

Yup! I think the same applies here to the TO's, the volunteers, racers, parents, and anyone else involved. It's hard enough doing your job, let alone having people scream at you while you're trying to do your best to improve your game and not break a bone.

If you're at the track in any capacity, you're involved. If you're a racer or a volunteer- you're committed. Please notice, the problems are rarely with the racers or volunteers.

No need for personal attack. Let the discussion fly.

As far as DP goes, Roland expressed to me his concern about losing his equipment, not getting enough help, and his worry about the race not going well. He did a pretty good job considering what he had to work with. I spoke with him many times when had spent entire days working long hours, days, and weeks to get the track ready for the SCQ. Roland, thank you again for all of your time and effort.

I hope Roland stays after it. I hope he makes some changes to the DP program and he takes these comments as helpful and not hurtful. So much went right out there.

Besides- "It's not the critic who counts..."

I'm off to lunch. Peace!

"Push to the line!"

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