Tooele track update !!!!!

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Tooele track update !!!!!

Postby Jackie » Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:33 am

Been a while since we had any info on the progression of the Tooele track and it's new track operator. Anyone with information on the future of this fun facility please share.
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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby bnd » Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:35 am

I don't have any concrete answers yet, trust me, once I get final word from the Deseret Peak I'll share it. We thought things were finalized but they aren't so stay tuned.
Maybe I'll make a phone call or two tomorrow.

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby stephen kisslinger » Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:56 pm

i was willing to take it over, i had talked to some big $$ possible sponsors (from utah) and had tech support all lined up, but everyone is so "secretive" regarding DP, i think will work on a new location: summit county maybe???

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby bnd » Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:45 pm

It's not that there are secrets guys, it's just from what I have seen, the County can't make up their minds if they want to continue with the BMX racing even though it's been one of the few things out there that had paid & made money for itself last year. I'll try to get in touch with the "guy" tomorrow & see what he has to say on the subject. Trust me, there isn't a person out there right now that isn't more in favor of keeping DP around than me. Iv'e spent tons of hrs helping out over the years in every which way possible to get that program where it's at. Saturday night works for my family & if that's gone, I don't know how much racing we can do, if any in the summer.

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby mervin » Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:00 pm

Hello all,
I would just like to bring up again..... the possibility of maybe racing rad outdoor on saturday nights if DP dumps the bmx program? I love DP and do not want to see it go away but if it does I don't want to lose a night of bmx either.

Anyone? Melton? Melton?


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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby sspencer » Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:37 pm

We dont want to see DP go away but if it does the rumored Ogden track should take over the time slot. It would be too difficult for SLCers to battle rush hour to make it up there on a weeknight so Saturdays would be the next best choice.

Just saying,
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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby McCauley » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:56 am

Any Tracks we get or have I am willing to do my best to support...The Saturday night races at Golden Spike BMX I remember them well...Lets hope we keep DP and get a new track in Ogden...Back to Saturday morning Saturday night riding would be cool..


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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby bnd » Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:49 pm

Ok faithful readers, I made the call this afternoon & got voicemail. I left a detailed message of who I was, what I wanted & if questions could be answered to either me personally or here on the site.

Stay tuned.

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby bnd » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:02 pm

No answer yet.

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby bnd » Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:12 am

I got some good news this morning, it looks like DP will be open this season but with some changes. Still Saturday night though & details need to be hammered out.
Bottom line is this, Mark at DP has been working hard to keep BMX there but County budget cuts are running very deep so that has been the hang up. But, it looks like this has been resolved. More later.

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby billyschuler » Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:52 am

my vote lol..not that it matters,

teusday night race at rad canyon
wed practice at rad canyon
thursday race at rad canyon
friday race in ogden ( if it happens)
saturday race at DP
sunday race in ogden PRO AM
monday ( revel in glory and polish trophy day)
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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby mervin » Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:08 pm

Too bad the track in Manti closed they used to run on monday nights then Tuesday could be for polishin trophies...

B wot kind of changes? like less races?


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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby ogr13 » Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:17 pm

I think Billy needs to find a nice girl and settle down... 8)
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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby LocoTone » Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:27 pm

And you guys thought I was a points whore....

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Re: Tooele track update ?????

Postby billyschuler » Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:13 am

hey hey trying , they are all crazy, for now, like tony said POINTS WHORE :)
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