Some Saturday results.......
Travis Healey - 2nd in 7-8 Mixed Open. 8th in 8 Inter.
Heather Allred - 5th in 13 -14 Mixed Open. 1st - 13 girls.
Arielle Martin - 1st in 11 Girls.
Alisha Headley - 1st in 12 Girls.
Cole Simmons - 7th in 11 cruiser.
Jonas Harmon - 5th in 16 cruiser. 8th in 16 expert.
Jason McCauley - 7th in 31-35 cruiser.
Hollie Allred - 1st in 11-13 Girl cruiser.
Danita Ritter - 2nd in 26-30 Girl cruiser.
Tyler Albretson - 2nd in 5 & under Inter.
Nick Park - 6th in 5 & under Inter.
Tyson Moll - 6th in 7 Inter.
David Herman (AA Pro) - 7th in 9 expert.
Dylan Collings - 2nd in 13 novice.
Tim Thompson - 6th in 17 expert.
Roland Critchfield - 3rd in 28+ novice.
Sundays results tomorrow.
“Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.”